陳慧玲Chen, Huei-Ling王怡惠Wang, I-Hui2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0107590124%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110656因應金融科技不斷創新,全球金融資訊市場由2009年至2016年成長21%。然金融資訊產業競爭日趨激烈,除持續提升技術,亦須推出創新產品及服務以面對挑戰。台灣以中小型金融資訊公司居多,且多數為銀行、證券公司等金融機構提供數據資料平台服務或建置下單系統。企業客戶市場已經飽和,為了維持營收及獲利成長,金融資訊公司開始以個別投資人為目標客群。 本研究以一家金融資訊公司為個案公司,檢視所採用轉型的營運策略能否維持獲利。根據研究結果,個案公司可利用與其他金融服務業合作擴大其個別投資人市場,並維持其獲利能力。本研究建議個案公司可大量複製轉型的營運策略,本研究亦建議對個別投資人應藉由金融資訊服務公司所提供之交易平台,投資全球金融市場以規避系統性風險,將資產達到穩健獲利的配置。此外,本研究建議金融法規應能降低金融科技管制,讓台灣金融機構具有競爭力。In response to continuous innovation in financial technology, the growth rate of the global financial information market was 21% from 2009 to 2016. However, competition has become increasingly fierce in the financial information industry. Facing the challenges, financial information companies keep on enhancing their technical competence, and launch innovative products and services. In Taiwan, most financial information companies are small and medium-sized businesses. Among them, many companies mainly provide information through platforms or build order management systems for financial institutions, including banks and securities traders. The market for business customers has become saturated. Financial information companies start to regard retail investors as their target customers in order to maintain growth in revenues and profits. The objective of this study is to investigate whether the transformation strategy can maintain profitability by using a financial information company as a case study. The results of the financial simulation indicate that the case company can expand its market share and maintain its profitability by cooperating with other financial service providers. This study suggests the case company can duplicate the successful transformation strategy. This study also suggests that retail investors should avoid systematic risk by investing in global markets through the trading platform provided by financial information companies. Moreover, this study suggests that financial regulations should lower the restrictions on Fintech to make financial institutions competitive.金融科技金融資訊服務產業營運策略財務模擬Fintechfinancial information services industryoperating strategiesfinancial simulation金融資訊提供者營運策略之探究:以S公司為例Exploring the Operating Strategy of Financial Information Providers: The Case Study of S Company