國立臺灣師範大學教育學系甄曉蘭周立勳2014-12-022014-12-022003-12-011028-8708http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38588本研究旨在探討國小教師的藝能科教學信念現況,分析美勞科教學信念有關之教師背景與教學實務因素,以作為協助國小教師改進藝能科教學的基礎。研究者根據訪談11位國小美勞科教師結果,自編「國小教師美勞科教學信念問卷」,針對雲林、嘉義三縣市90學年度擔任美勞科教學之國小教師,以分層隨機取樣抽取400人為樣本,進行調查。調查結果經以因素分析、變異數分析,以及典型相關等統計方法處理,結果發現:當前國小教師之藝能科教學信念較傾向傳授指導的教學觀,較相信美勞科學習須具備特殊能力,教學上強調傳授指導、維持常規以及作品表現評量;教師的教學信念會因不同的背景而有差異,此種差異較多與教師參與研習的經驗與任教職務有關;國小教師之藝能科教學信念因素能有效預測選擇教學策略的偏向,接近建構取向教學信念者偏向採用分享互動之教學策略,而接近傳授指導者則偏向採用完成任務之教學策略。The purpose of this study was twofold: to examine elementary school teachers’ beliefs about teaching art, and to analyze relevant variables such as teachers’ backgrounds and their teaching practice. It is hoped that the results of this study may provide guidelines to help elementary school teachers improve their teaching of art. Drawn from the results of interviews with 11 elementary art teachers, the researchers developed a “Teachers’ Beliefs about Teaching Art” questionnaire to conduct this survey. Applying proportionate stratified random sampling techniques, the study investigated 400 elementary art teachers’ pedagogical practice in the 2001 school year in the Chiayi-Yunlin area. Then factor analysis, canonical correlation analysis, and ANOVA statistics methods were applied to the survey data. The results showed that most elementary school teachers’ beliefs about teaching art tend to favor the “transmitting-guiding” teaching perspective. Most of them believe that “learning art” requires a specific talent, so in their teaching they emphasize knowledge transmission, guidance of skill development, assessment of art works, and maintaining order in the classroom. There are also differences between and among art teachers’ beliefs about teaching art due to their different backgrounds like the degree of workshop experience they have had and their teaching responsibilities. It is quite obvious that teachers’ beliefs about teaching art can effectively predict their preference with respect to teaching strategies: those who tend to favor the “constructivist” approach prefer to apply interactive sharing strategies, but those who are used to the traditional “transmitting-guiding” approach usually focus their teaching on helping students complete their design task.藝能科教學 教學信念 建構論Teaching of art�eachers' beliefs about teaching art�onstructivism國小教師藝能科教學信念之調查研究以美勞科教師為例