顏妙桂鍾怡玲2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695070202%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88587本研究旨在探討布農族青少年休閒行為之現況,瞭解在環境影響文化變遷之下,布農族青少年所呈現傳統休閒行為及現代休閒行為之情形,並探究布農族青少年休閒行為的原因為何。休閒本有的創造性能夠型塑文化,而不同種族也會因文化差別在休閒上呈現差異,例如誇功宴(malastapang)不僅是布農族人的特有文化,也是布農族的傳統休閒行為之一,然而隨著時代變遷影響,布農族青少年從事傳統休閒的機會日漸減少,增加許多現代休閒行為,受到社會、環境、文化、教育、家庭、同儕及個人內在心理等因素的交互作用影響,現今布農族青少年之休閒行為呈現同時兼具傳統休閒與現代休閒的多元化樣貌。 本研究採質性研究之現象學取向,以半結構式問題深入訪談六位布農族青少年,瞭解布農族青少年休閒之全貌,並透過動態場域理論、文化認同理論及休閒阻礙理論,探討影響布農族青少年休閒行為的可能原因。本研究結果如下: 1.布農族青少年之休閒行為受到文化涵化的影響故存在傳統休閒及現代休閒兩者。 2.布農族青少年因「環境提供機會」、「重要他人影響」及「個人內在支持」影響而有機會從事傳統休閒行為。 3.布農族青少年因「環境產生改變」、「同儕友伴影響」、「個人內在阻礙」而阻礙從事傳統休閒行為。 4.布農族青少年因「社會環境提供支持」及「個人內在支持」而從事現代休閒行為。 5.布農族青少年之現代休閒行為也因「更換環境」及「同儕改變」有不同面貌。 6.布農族青少年在環境不利的影響下仍能透過「自我決定」繼續從事傳統休閒。 7.「適應」或「融合」是布農族青少年延續傳統休閒的方法。The purpose of this study was to explore the leisure behavior of Bunun teens and to understand how Bunun teens present their traditional and modern leisure behavior under the cultural change affected by the environment. The origin creativeness of leisure behavior could mold the culture, and different races had different leisure behavior due to the diversity of the culture. For example, “malastapang” was not only the special culture but also one of the traditional leisure behavior for Bunun Tribe. However, with the change of the time, Bunun teens had fewer chances to participate in their traditional leisure behavior. Instead, more modern leisure behavior come into Bunun teens' life. Nowadays, under the cross-influenced factors of the society, the environment, the culture, the education, families, mates and individual internal psyche, Bunun teens had various leisure behavior which included the traditional and the modern leisure behavior at the same time. This study adopted the phenomenology of qualitative research and used semi-structural questions to interview the six Bunun teens deeply. By doing so, we could learn a complete picture of the leisure behavior of Bunun teens. Moreover, through the field theory, cultural identification and the theory of leisure constraint, we could find the factors which had constructed Bunun teens’ leisure behavior. The results of this study were revealed as follows: 1. The leisure behavior of Bunun teens are influenced by the culture so the traditional and the modern leisure activities exist simultaneously. 2. Bunun teens have opportunities to be engaged in traditional leisure behavior because of “the opportunities provided by the environment,” “the influence of the important people,” and “the support of individual inner.” 3. Bunun teens are constrained to be engaged in traditional leisure behavior due to “the change of the environment,” “the influence of the mates,” and “the obstruction of individual inner.” 4. Bunun teens are engaged in the modern leisure behavior due to “the sustenance provided by the social environment” and “the sustenance of individual inner.” 5. “The change of the environment” and “the change of the mates” also results in the differences of Bunun teens’ modern leisure behavior. 6. By “self-decision,” Bunun teens still can keep being engaged in the traditional leisure behavior even though they are under the disadvantageous environment. 7. To “adapt” and to be “in accord with” the whole environment are the ways for Bunun teens to continue the traditional leisure behavior.原住民布農族青少年休閒行為文化認同休閒阻礙aborigineBununteenagerleisure behaviorcultural identificationleisure constraint布農族青少年休閒行為之研究—以花蓮某部落為例