張詩欣Chang, Shih-Hsing徐霈誼Hsu, Pei-I2023-12-082025-08-302023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/3200be977d67a70f25c61354cf97f074/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121778艾弗.葛尼(Ivor Gurney, 1890-1937)為二十世紀英國重要作曲家之一,作品融合了英國民謠、德奧古典樂派以及法國印象樂派的影響,音樂內涵豐富多元。他在一生不到五十年的壽命中,寫作了一千七百首詩以及三百多首藝術歌曲。本報告之研究主題《五首伊麗莎白時期歌曲》即為其第一部成熟的歌曲集,完成於1912年,歌詞選自伊麗莎白時期作家威廉.莎士比亞(William Shakespeare, 1564-1616)、約翰.佛萊契爾(John Fletcher, 1579-1625)和湯瑪士.那歇(Thomas Nashe, 1567-1601)之作品。本報告共分為四個章節:第一章為緒論,兩節分別說明研究之動機與目的、方法與架構;第二章為文獻探討,第一節簡介十六至二十世紀英文藝術歌曲之發展,第二節概述伊麗莎白時期文學背景與《五首伊麗莎白時期歌曲》中三位作家的生平,第三節則探討艾弗.葛尼的生平與創作特色;第三章為《五首伊麗莎白時期歌曲》之樂曲分析與詮釋,五節分述:〈奧菲斯〉(Orpheus)、〈眼淚〉(Tears)、〈在綠樹叢下〉(Under the greenwood tree)、〈沉睡〉(Sleep)、〈春天〉(Spring) 五首歌曲,各先研討樂曲架構與音樂內涵,進而研究鋼琴與聲樂之間的合作與詮釋;第四章為結語,綜合整理出此篇報告之最重點。Ivor Gurney (1890-1937) was one of the important British composers in the twentieth century. His works combined the impact from British folk songs, German Austina Classicism and French Impressionism. Thus he did create rich diversity in the music. He wrote 1,700 poems and more than 300 art songs during his short lifetime. This written report takes Ivor Gurney's first mature work-“Five Elizabethan Songs”, written in 1912, as the research topic. Those five lyrics were selected from poems by William Shakespeare (1564-1616), John Fletcher (1579-1625) and Thomas Nashe (1567-1601) of Elizabethan period. This report consists of four chapters: Chapter one explains motivation of the report, purpose of the report, method applied in the report, and the structure of the report. Chapter Two reviews the related literature and introduces the development of British songs from sixteenth century to twentieth century, followed by the outlines of the Elizabethan literary background as well as lives of three writers of lyrics in “Five Elizabethan songs”, and Ivor Gurney and his compositional style. Chapter Three are discussions of the interpretation and the analyses of “Five Elizabethan Songs” (“Orpheus” “Tears” “Under the greenwood tree” “Sleep” and “Spring”), including the musical structure, collaborative techniques between voice and piano. Chapter Four is the author’s summary of the whole written report.艾弗.葛尼英國藝術歌曲《五首伊麗莎白時期歌曲》鋼琴合作Ivor GurneyBritish art songs“Five Elizabethan Songs”Collaborative piano艾弗.葛尼《五首伊麗莎白時期歌曲》之樂曲分析與鋼琴合作詮釋報告The Analysis and the Collaborative Piano Performance Interpretation of Ivor Gurney’s Five Elizabethan Songsreport_art