高郁婷王志弘Yu-Ting Kao, Chih-Hung Wang2022-05-162022-05-162021-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116122標誌性建築是意象塑造和認同凝聚的場所,晚近更是地區發展推力。本文以地方鐵路車站案例及設計治理觀點,補充了學界聚焦全球城市和資本力量的標誌性建築文獻。作者以「花東線鐵路整體服務效能提升計畫」車站改建為例,分析次級文獻、從事實地觀察,訪談關鍵人物,探討原以工程為先的臺鐵,如何由建築師為中介而強化美學意識,但各車站執行狀況大異其趣。車站改建計畫鑲嵌於後山觀光發展、公共工程體制、建築專業實作、地方政府策略,以及地方社群培力之間,並以多層次的設計治理來實現,彰顯了公共空間設計的社會性。Iconic architecture can be a place for image shaping and identity cohesion, and recently it has been a driving force for regional development. Rather than focusing on iconic architectures as the embodiment of global cities and capital power, this paper aims to contribute to relevant discussions through an exploration of the local railway stations located in eastern Taiwan using the perspective of design governance. Through the analysis of secondary documents and on-site observation, as well as in-depth interviews with key persons, we discuss how Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA)'s reconstruction of the railway stations under the "Hualien-Taitung Efficiency Improvement" Project has demonstrated aesthetic awareness showcasing the architects' intermediary role. This reconstruction is quite distinct from traditional public works related to transportation that usually prioritize engineering techniques and downplay architectural forms. In reality, however, different stations' manifestations of the architects' aesthetics varied and were rather limited. We show that the tourism development of surrounding mountains, the regime of public works, the practices of the architectural profession, local governments' strategies, and local communities' empowerment attempts all shaped the actual formation of the stations. We argue that multiple-level design governance has molded the station reconstruction of Huadong Railway, which also epitomizes the social dimensions of the design of public space.公共工程體制基礎設施願景政治地方發展regime of public worksinfrastructurepolitics of visionlocal development地方標誌性建築的設計治理:臺鐵花東線車站改建計畫研究The Design Governance of Local Iconic Architecture: A Study on the Station Reconstruction Plan along the TRA Huadong Railway Line