李宜倩Lee, Yi-Chien杜貞儀Tu, Chen-Yi2019-09-032018-07-072019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0503211103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97341本研究旨在探究推論與摘要策略教學結合英文繪本閱讀對台灣國中生之成效,以及過程中學生的學習經驗。本研究提出了兩個研究問題:(一)推論、摘要策略教學結合英文繪本閱讀,可以促進國中生推論與摘要策略的學習嗎?(二)過程中,學生對於推論、摘要策略教學結合英文繪本閱讀的學習看法如何? 研究對象為一個國中七年級的普通班,共二十五位學生。在推論與摘要策略教學中,共搭配四本英文繪本讓學生閱讀。整個過程為期一個月,共八堂課。資料收集方式包含前後測、問卷、訪談、學習單、教學日誌以期提高研究結果的可信度。 研究結果顯示,第一,推論與摘要策略教學結合英文繪本閱讀可有效的促進學生推論與摘要策略的學習。第二,學生對此課程多抱持正向的看法,主要為推論、摘要策略的學習可以幫助他們在閱讀上更有效率;而英文繪本因為有完整的故事、豐富的內容、圖片的輔助,所以對推論、摘要策略的學習有正向的幫助。本研究在最後根據結果提出教學建議、研究限制,以及未來相關研究的方向,供日後作為參考。This present study aims to examine the effects and explore the learning experience of inference making and summarizing strategy instruction with picture books on junior high school students in Taiwan. The following two research questions are investigated in this study: (1) Can the reading strategy instruction using picture books reading facilitate junior high school students’ learning of inference making and summarizing strategy? (2) What is the students’ perception of their learning experience on the reading strategy instruction using picture books? The participants were one regular seventh-grade class with twenty-five students. Four picture books were employed in the reading strategy instruction. The intervention lasted for one month and included eight classes. Data from various sources were collected to validate the results, including the Pre- and Post-test of the reading strategies application, the Pre- and Post-study questionnaire on participants’ responses, interview, participants’ worksheets, and teacher’s reflective journal. The two major findings can be summarized as follows. Firstly, reading strategy instruction with picture books facilitated the learning of inferencing making and summarization. Secondly, participants’ perceptions toward the overall curriculum were positive. The two reading strategies made the participants become active and effective readers. Picture books effectively promoted the learning of the two strategies because of its complete storyline, rich contextual clues, and words with illustrations. Based on the findings of this study, pedagogical implications were proposed, and suggestions for future research were discussed.閱讀策略教學英文繪本推論摘要Reading strategy instructionEnglish picture booksInference makingSummarization推論與摘要策略教學結合英文繪本閱讀對台灣國中生之成效探究A Study of Inference Making and Summarizing Strategy Instruction with English Picture Books Reading for Junior High School Students