鄭淑真潘逸峻鄭宇翔Shu-Chen ChengYi-Jun PanYu-Hsiang Cheng2016-05-042016-05-042012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78011根據學習者能力而提供適合學習者的試題是適性化測驗的目的,大部分都是給予測驗者一個能力值,該能力值代表測驗者對學科的了解程度,但每門學科中,往往是由許多區塊知識所構成的,以英文來講,可簡單分成單字、文法、閱讀、聽力等區塊,學習者可能對單字知識為擅長,對文法知識則否。本研究將以粒子群最佳化演算法結合知識結構的概念,提出一個能動態選題的適性化測驗系統,根據測驗者上題作答狀況決定下題的難易度,以及多重能力的評估方式,對每個區塊知識給予獨立的能力值,當出題時選出與區塊知識關聯性高的題目,透過這種機制達到適性化學習的目標。Adaptive testing can generate questions according to learners' competence level. In general, an adaptive testing system gives an ability value to each testee by evaluating the testee's understanding of a subject. A subject is usually comprised of many kinds of knowledge. For example, the subject, English, contains reading, grammar, vocabularies, writing, listening and etc. This research aims to develop an adaptive testing system based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and integrating with knowledge structure. The system decides the difficulty of the next question according to the correctness of the previous answer. The experimental results show that the system can dynamically generate questions correlated highly with learners' competence level.數位學習知識結構粒子群最佳化演算法適性化測驗E-learningKnowledge structurePSOAdaptive testing以粒子群最佳化演算法建置適性化測驗系統Building Adaptive Testing System Using Particle Swarm Optimization