林君憶Lin, Chun-Yi林聖晟Lin, Sheng-Cheng2022-06-082021-03-132022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d0965724130363a2929f61a3a1d6d093/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118123本研究目的為在教師與教科書生成計畫課程之過程中,瞭解教師與具有不同特質的教科書之間互動關係,探討十二年國教的實施脈絡下,教師生成計畫課程的影響與助益。研究透過放聲思考與訪談來分析一位具11年教學資歷的國中生物教師生成計畫課程的歷程。研究結果發現支持探究教學之教科書有助於讓教師突破部分備課慣性。同時,研究也發現有利教師於十二年國教自然領綱下教學之教科書特質如下:(一)提供現象觀察之提問以及透過新知學習解釋問題的探究過程;(二)概念可透過引導學生推論的探究過程方式呈現;(三)探究與實作活動可提供更多探究鷹架以及學生自主空間之特質;(四)探究實作相關設計之編排與外觀可再考量顯眼性與有利閱讀性。根據研究之結論,本研究提出相關建議,期望教科書改革能做為教師於新課綱下專業成長之支持,同時也建議未來能參考參與式關係的理論進行更多相關的研究,以協助有利新課綱教學之教科書發展。The goal of this study is to understand the interactive relationship between teacher and textbooks with different characteristics, and explore impacts and benefits of textbooks in the context of the implementation of 12-year compulsory education. This single-case study explores planed curriculums developed by a senior middle school biology teacher with 11 years of teaching qualifications through thinking aloud and interviews. The analysis of the study indicates that textbooks that support inquiry-based teaching can help teachers break through some of their inertia of lesson preparation. Beside, the characteristics of textbooks that may be beneficial to teachers in teaching during Science Program of 12-year compulsory education are as follows: (1) Provide questions about phenomenon observation and questions could explained with new knowledge in the inquiry-based process; (2) Concepts can be guided in inquiry-based ways (3) Inquiry and practical activities can provide more exploring scaffolding and the characteristics of students' autonomous in learning; (4) The arrangement and appearance of the design related to the inquiry and practice can be reconsidered for conspicuousness and readability. Besides, Based on the conclusions of the research, this study suggests that textbook reform can be used as support resource for teachers' professional growth under the new curriculum. This study also suggests that there could be more studies that refer to the theoretical framework of participatory relations to assist in the research of textbooks that are beneficial to teaching of the new curriculum.十二年國教國中生物教科書教科書研究教師與教科書互動12-year compulsory educationjunior high school biological textbookstextbook researchthe interaction between textbook and teacher一位國中生物教師與臺灣及日本教科書互動之研究A study on the interaction of a junior high school biology teacher with textbooks of Taiwan and Japan學術論文