張少熙Chang, Shao-Hsi于蓓蒂Yui, Betty2020-10-192021-07-142020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0007344105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111960隨著高齡社會以及數位科技化的衝擊,本研究旨在探討高齡者生活型態的改變及樂活產業崛起對於建構高齡樂活平台所衍生的影響,並依其研究結果規劃建置iJoGo樂活平台,以提供給高齡者使用,藉此,提高對於社會的貢獻、成就自我價值。本研究之研究方法採用「焦點團體訪談法」,針對下列:1.國內外之高齡社會現況與發展的狀況2.樂活生活型態之探討3.高齡社會與樂活新生活型態對於未來樂活平台建構的影響4.新科技對營運平台的注意事項及方法5.平台的相關媒體傳播及行銷所帶來的效益等進行相關文獻蒐集與探討;進而邀請產業界的專家學者共7位作為受訪者,進行兩場的訪談會議,針對研究者所規劃建置之「iJoGo樂活平台」在概念設計與構想規劃上對於高齡者以及樂活族群在數位科技的衝擊下所產生的關聯性。依研究結果顯示,對於高齡退休群族而言,退休後的生活最關切的是如何規劃自我的生活、重視自我的成長以及對於自我價值的提升,而研究者所規劃建置的平台,涵蓋「三大模組」、「四大核心」、「五感提升」以及「六大功能」層面,提供給高齡者與樂活族群透過數位科技化的網絡資訊服務,藉此拓展自我的生活新型態模式。綜合上述的研究結果,本研究根據相關文獻探討結果及專家學者所提出對於「iJoGo樂活平台」在未來功能增設項目建議,以期許對未來政府建置樂活相關平台的參考依據,更希望藉由本研究,得以實踐「iJoGo有愛就Go」的真正樂活意義。Following the onset and convergence of an aging society and digital technology, this study aims to explore the impact on changes in the lifestyle of the elderly, the rise of the LOHAS industry, and its LOHAS platform. According to the results of its research, the iJoGo platform is planned to be built for the elderly to use to improve their contribution to society and achieve self-worth.The research method of this study adopts the "focus group interview method", aimed at the following:1.The current situation and developmental status of elderly society at home and abroad.2.The discussion of the LOHAS lifestyle.3.The influence of el-derly society and the new LOHAS lifestyle on the future construction of the LOHAS plat-form.4.New technology's considerations and methods for operating platforms.5.Collect and discuss relevant literature on the platform's related media communication and marketing benefits; in addition, a total of 7 experts and scholars in the industry were invited as inter-viewees to conduct two interview meetings to investigate the relationship between "iJoGo LOHAS Platform" conceptual design and conceptual planning for the elderly and LOHA groups under the impact of digital technology. According to the research results, for the el-derly retired, among the most important things in life after retirement is the planning of their own lives, attaching importance to their own growth, and enhancing their self-worth. The platform developed by researchers covered the "three modules", "four cores", "five senses enhancement", and "six functions" layers and provided seniors and LOHAS groups oppor-tunity to utilize through digital technology-based network information services a framework to expand their new self-fulfilling lifestyles. In summarizing the resules, this study was based on the results of relevant literature and the suggestions made by experts and scholars in the field on future function additions of the "iJoGo LOHAS platform" in order to provide a base of reference for future government-built LOHAS related platforms. Through this research, we hope we can practice and fulfill the true meaning of "iJoGo Go with Love".樂活平台樂活新生活型態高齡者焦點團體訪談LOHAS platformLOHAS new lifestylesenior citizensfocus group interviews高齡樂活平台建構研究-以建置「iJoGo樂活平台為例」Research on the construction of the senior LOHAS platform-Using "iJoGo LOHAS platform as an example"