夏學理Hsueh-Li Hsia邱意芳Yi-Fange Chiu2020-12-102020-2-12020-12-102015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0000603313%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114803隨著國內觀光產業蓬勃發展,國內旅館也如雨後春筍般地一間間成立,截至二O一四年十二月止,合法立案的一般旅館已達2,899家,在競爭激烈的觀光市場中,結合行銷、文創產業及旅遊的文創旅館,融合文化與藝術,跳脫原有制式化的環境與服務,以嶄新的形態,躍居市場舞台的中央。 本研究旨在探討創意生活產業推動下的文創旅館行銷模式及其發展。研究對象分別以西門町意舍酒店與星享道酒店進行研究分析,主要採用深度訪談法訪談業者、學者專家及旅客,以瞭解個案的行銷模式與創意生活產業之相互影響力,及文創旅館未來發展,來作為旅館行銷之參考,藉以促進文創旅館的經營發展。 經歸納訪談結果及相關文獻後發現,旅館確實因加入了文創元素後有加值效果,進而增加旅客的好感度,並有助於提昇文創與生活的融合。據此建議,台灣的觀光產業應重視文創人才之培育規劃讓文創人才成為參與經營發展的重要角色;同時,文創旅館應擴大文化體制產業鏈,透過與在地文化、生活之融合,創造深層的文化體驗感動,引領旅館革命的新風潮。In the recent years, the domestic tourism industry has grown more vigorously than ever before. As of December 31, 2014, the number of legally registered hotels has reached 2,899. Different from traditional hotel Marketing model, the “Cultural and Creative Hotels” are looking for innovative ways to embrace new marketing strategies, combined with creative industries and tourism all together in order to take the lead on the hotel business market. This dissertation aims to discuss the development and Marketing model of the cultural and creative hotels through the developing cultural and creative lifestyle. How the Marketing model interacts with cultural and creative industry, and the development of cultural and creative hotels for the future are the main purposes of this study, and hopefully also become the informative data for hotel management. Thus, the research methodologies include the close interviews with hotel managements, scholars, experts, and visitors. Two specific hotels, the Amba Taipei Xinmending and In Sky Hotel, had been chosen for the interviews and developed as case studies to support the research. After collecting and analyzing all available data through the methods previously discusses, the synthesize findings led us to the following conclusions: 1.The usage of cultural and creative ideas is considered to be value-added component to the hotel business model; 2.The new business model amplifies customer satisfaction and stimulates the bond of creative industry and urban lifestyle. It is also suggested that the tourism industry in Taiwan should emphasize more on training professional development of the cultural and creative administrators and elite; meanwhile, hotels owners should be open to the new business model, which link the local culture and lifestyle to elevate compelling customer experiences. It is undeniable that the revolution of new hotel business model is irrevocable!創意生活產業文創旅館西門町意舍酒店星享道酒店Lifestyle IndustryCultural and Creative HotelAmba Taipei XimendingIn Sky Hotel創意生活產業之文創旅館行銷模式-以西門町意舍酒店與星享道酒店為例The Marketing Model of The Cultural and Creative Hotel for lifestyle industry- Case Studies of Amba Taipei Ximending and In Sky Hotel