國立臺灣師範大學體育學系方進隆2016-08-042016-08-042011/08-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=2364455http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/79236我國代謝症候群(metabolic syndrome)盛行率約為 15-30 %,需要醫療與運動保健相關單位關注,並提出預防與治療策略。最近整合性研究( 2010)指出阻力訓練會下降糖化血色素 ( HbA1c)、脂肪含量和收縮壓,能明顯改善代謝症候群危險因子,建議阻力訓練應被視為第二類型糖尿病與代謝異常的有效介入策略。過去的研究也同樣指出阻力訓練的頻率與強度對於代謝症候群的效益,需要藉由隨機控制的實驗研究進一步探討。共有25位大學(18-22歲肥胖(BMI ≧ 27)或過重(BMI ≧ 24)無規律運動之男性隨機分成高阻力-低頻率組( HL)、高阻力-高頻率組( HH)和與阻力-高頻率組( MH)三組,高阻力強度為 4-8 RM (Repetition Maximum,最大反覆次數),與阻力強度為 8-12 RM,低頻率組每周訓練2天,高頻率組每週訓練3天。各組的每週總訓練量 (總訓練量=訓練頻率×強度 (負荷)×反覆次數×回合)相同,所得前、後測資料以混合設計二因數變異數分析(two-way ANOVA,mixed design)處理。研究結果發現三組在身體組成、身體能力表現及MS因子皆能有顯著進步,此外,本研究也發現其中高強度-低頻率組在改善身體肌力表現及MS因子(如BP、WC及HDL-C)上更能產生顯著的進步。結論:12周中高強度、每周2-3次及每次2-3組的阻力訓練能顯著改善大學肥胖或過重男性有關代謝症候群之因子,本研究之發現及阻力訓練內容可做為未來建議此族群設計運動處方之參考。關鍵字:代謝症候群、肥胖、阻力訓練、強度頻率、大學生According to statistic data from the Bureau of Health Promotion (2006), the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) among the population in Taiwan about 15 to 30 %, this message deserves the immediate attention of related health organizations to take the necessary steps for prevention and treatment. A recent study indicated that resistance training (RT) reduce the glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c), body fat and systolic blood pressure, and clinically and significantly improve the metabolic syndrome risk factors. Therefore, this research emphasizes the need to investigate the effects of RT with varied intensity and frequency on MS with randomly control trial for better recommendation. There are 25 volunteer obese, ( BMI≧27)or overweight (BMI≧24) male college students recruited for this study and randomly assigned to one of the three groups: high-resistance low-frequency (HL group), high-resistance high-frequency (HH group) and middle-resistance high-frequency (MH group). Each group will receive equal total training volume each week. The total training volume is the product of training frequency, intensity (load), RM (repetition maximum) and sets and will be adjusted accordingly to each group. The high resistance and moderate resistance are defined as 4-8 RM and 8-12 RM, respectively. The high frequency and low frequency of RT are defined as 2 days and 3 days per week and consist of 12 week. All the subjects will receive the tests or measurements of MS risk factors (body composition, hip and waist ratio, blood pressure, fasting glucose, and blood lipids) and aerobic fitness. All the collected data were analyzed with a mixed-design two-way ANOVA. Results: There are significant improvement among three groups in body composition, physical ability, and MS factors. Furthermore, the improvement of strength and MS factors, for example BP, WC, and HDL-C, in HL is more evident than other groups after 12wk training. Conclusions:12 weeks resistant training with high to moderate intensity, 2-3 sessions per week, and 2-3 sets per session can significantly ameliorate MS factors in obese, ( BMI≧27) or overweight (BMI≧24) male. Those results can provide some useful information to design exercise prescription for the obese or overweight populations in the future.Key words: metabolic syndrome, obesity, resistance training, frequency, intensity, College males.不同強度與頻率的阻力訓練對大學肥胖男性代謝症候群因子之影響The Effects of Different Intensity and Frequency Resistance Training on Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors of Obese College Males不同強度與頻率的阻力運動訓練對大學肥胖男性代謝症候群因子之影響The Effects of Different Intensity and Frequency Resistance Training on Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Obese College Males