蔡居澤呂岡侃Lu Kang Kan2019-08-282012-9-32019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093073211%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88335本研究旨在透過冒險教育活動設計,將中學生應具備的領導技能元素融入冒險教育活動當中,以期透過活動過程來提升參與者的領導能力,並以新北市某私立學校142名八年級學生為研究對象,依參與冒險教育活動與否區分為實驗組及控制組,利用心理出版社所出版「領導技能問卷」作為調查工具,在活動執行前後進行測驗,透過問卷前後測來進行比較,以瞭解攀登雪山冒險性活動課程對中學生領導力的影響。研究結果發現,冒險教育活動對於中學生領導力產生下列的影響: 1.參與冒險教育活動的學生在領導技能上,在領導基本概念、書寫溝通技巧、口語溝通技巧、團體動力技巧、問題解決技巧、個人特質、計畫技巧等七個項目,都達顯著差異冒,且透過效力大小分析可知其影響程度達輕度改變。 2.性別因素對於冒險教育活動在領導技能上確實造成影響,參與活動的八年級女學生表現顯著優於男學生,且實驗組女學生的檢定結果在「領導基本概念」、「口語溝通技巧」、「團體動力技巧」、「問題解決技巧」、「個人特質」、「計畫技巧」等六項通過顯著檢定,且「領導基本概念」、「團體動力技巧」、「個人特質」等3個項目效力大小達中度以上改變。 3.在冒險教育活動期間擔任活動領導職務的學生,在「領導基本概念」、「書寫溝通技巧」、「問題決技巧」、「個人特質」、「計畫技巧」上均有顯著差異,且在「書寫溝通技巧」和「問題解決技巧」的效力大小幾乎達中度改變,表示擔任活動領導職務對領導技能確實產生影響。The purpose of this study is to increase the leadership of junior students by developing leadership skills through adventure education activities design. The Eighth-grade students of a private school in New Taipei City are selected of the case in this study. Using the "Leadership Skills Inventory” as an investigative tool, by means of general investigate questionnaires for all the graders. Dividing students into experimental group and control group according to their participation in adventure education activities. Questionnaire are applied before and after the event. There are 181 questionnaires were received and 142 questionnaires are valid(87 from experimental group and 55 from control group). This study finds out the following influences toward leadership of junior high students by means of adventure education activities: 1.Students who participate in adventure education activities have significant difference on basic concepts of the leadership, written and communication skills, verbal communication skills, group dynamic skills, problem solving skills, personal characteristics, planning skills. Through the effectiveness size analysis , we can know the change is mild. 2.Gender factors do really make difference in leadering skills. The eighth grade female students performed significantly better than male students. The test results of the experimental group of female students in the basic concepts of the "leadership", "oral communication skills", “group dynamic skills”, “problem solving skills”, “personal characteristics”, and "plan skills” pass the significant test, and the effectiveness size of “basic concepts of the leadership”, “the group dynamic skills”, and “personal qualities" have change more than mezzo. 3.Students who play a leadership role have significant difference in "basic leadership concept", ”written and communication skills”, “problem summary skills”, “personal characteristics”, and “planning skills”. The “written communication skills” and “problem solving skills” are almost up to moderate change, which means being in charge of the leadership duty do really affect the leadership skills.冒險教育領導技能效力大小登山活動adventure educationleadership skillseffectiveness sizemountaineering activities冒險教育活動對中學生領導力影響之研究 - 以新北市某私立學校八年級學生攀登雪山活動為例The research on Adventure Education Activities impact on the students' leadership of Junior High school students –taking a New Taipei City, a private school eighth graders Snow Mountain Climbing activities for example