劉宇挺Liu, Yeu-Ting洪渝詞Hung, Yu-Tzu2020-12-142020-02-252020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060421069L%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110952現存研究指出,做筆記的行為能透過增加訊息記憶、增強理解力,並提高後續的表現來有效輔助第一及第二語言學習者。然而,這些研究大多是在第一語言的課堂環境中進行的——也就是受試者邊聆聽課堂邊做筆記。此外,隨著科技的進步,越來越多的學生開始選擇筆記型電腦而不是紙筆來做筆記。為了使學習中記筆記的教育價值發揮到極致,必須了解第二語言學習者的記筆記的行為如何影響他們的閱讀理解。因此,本研究旨在探究台灣英語學習者對閱讀理解的不同筆記方式(筆記型電腦和手寫)的影響以及他們的筆記內容如何不同。 所有26名受試者都在閱讀研究論文的同時,用筆記本電腦或紙筆記筆記。接著,他們完成閱讀理解測驗,包含二十個問題(十個事實問題和十個概念性問題)。結果顯示,以不同方式記錄筆記的參與者在閱讀理解表現沒有顯著差異。此外,兩種筆記的字數沒有顯著差異。但是,使用Leximancer概念構圖系統分析,兩種筆記的內容在重要關鍵字(如概念Concept和主題Theme)中顯示出明顯的差別,本研究發現筆記型電腦的筆記與原始閱讀文本更相似。另一方面,手寫的受試者雖然記下較少關鍵字,但其理解結果與使用筆記型電腦的受試者相當。Existing research has established that the act of note-taking can theoretically benefit both L1 and L2 students by increasing the information recalled, enhancing comprehension and leading to better later performance. However, these studies were mostly done in L1 lecture settings where participants listened and took notes. In addition, with the improvement of technology, more students start to choose laptop over pen and paper to take notes. To optimize the pedagogical value of taking notes during learning, it is important to understand how L2 learners’ note-taking can affect their reading comprehension. The current study was therefore set out to investigate the effects of different note-taking modalities (laptop versus longhand) on L2 reading comprehension of 26 Taiwanese EFL learners and how their note contents differ. All participants read through a research paper while took notes with laptops or longhand. They then completed a reading comprehension test with 20 questions (10 factual questions and 10 conceptual questions). The results showed no significance difference on the reading comprehension between participants who took notes with different modalities. Moreover, the word count of the two notes were not significantly different. However, with Leximancer concept-mapping system, the contents of the two notes showed salient differences in their key idea units (Concepts and Themes). Laptop notes were found to be more similar to the original reading text. On the other hand, longhand participants took down fewer key concepts but had comparable comprehension outcome with their laptop counterparts.筆記方式教育科技閱讀理解note-taking modalityeducational technologyreading comprehension手寫與數位筆記對論文閱讀理解成效之研究Notes-worthy? Effects of Longhand vs Laptop Note-taking on Reading Comprehension of Research Papers