國立臺灣師範大學科技應用與人力資源發展學系張基成曾國鴻2014-10-302014-10-302012-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/35418此三年期連續性研究之目的為:(一)建構與評估網路化學習歷程檔案分享與觀摩平台 (第一年)。(二)發展網路化學習歷程檔案之知識管理表現量表現與學習表現量表(第二 年)。(三)探討大學資訊工程系學生使用網路化學習歷程檔案之知識管理表現與歷程、學習表現與歷程(第三年)。 第一年建置的網路化學習歷程檔案分享與觀摩平台包括:檔案介紹區、檔案分享區、檔 案觀摩區、檔案評分區、模版下載區、線上討論區、課程說明區、公告區。此平台可讓學生 上傳自己製作的檔案,及教師與學生可線上評分。線上評分表是將第二年利用模糊德懷術與 模糊層級分析法發展出的知識管理與學習表現量表網頁化。學生可以下載數種不同檔案模版 (Temple),從中選擇自己喜歡的檔案樣式進行製作,並可自行修改背景、顏色、選項(按鈕) 名稱、版面配置等。這些模版可以方便學生製作與修改檔案,節省製作時間與人力。 第二年透過文獻分析、專家訪談、模糊德懷術、模糊層級分析法發展網路化學習歷程檔 案之知識管理與學習表現量表,並檢驗這兩種方法的信、效度。第三年採準實驗研究法,以 大學資訊工程系程式設計課程兩班的學生為教學實驗對象。實驗組使用網路化學習檔案,控 制組則無使用。以多變量共變數分析檢驗兩組在知識管理、學習表現上的的差異。另外,使 用文件分別法分析學生的檔案內容,並輔以觀察法及訪談法,探究學生知識管理與學習歷程。This continuous research for three years period aims to: (1)Construct and evaluation a web portfolio emulating and sharing platform (1st year). (2)Develop the questionnaires of knowledge management (KM) and learning performance for the web-based portfolio. (2nd year). (3)Conduct an experimental study to explore the effects of using the web-based portfolio on KM and learning performance for college students of the department of computer and information engineering (3rd year). The web portfolio emulating and sharing platform developed on the first year includes the following functions: about portfolio, portfolio sharing, portfolio emulating, scoring, temple download, discussion board, about course, bulletin. This platform allows students upload their self-constructed portfolio as well as allows teachers and students scoring online. Online scoring forms of KM and learning performance are developed by fuzzy Delphi and fuzzy AHP on the second year. Students may download different temples of portfolio and select preferred formats for creating their portfolios. They also can edit the backgrounds, colors, button titles, and layouts of their portfolios by using those temples. Those temples make students creating and editing their portfolios easily and save their creation time and manpower. On the second year, the questionnaires of KM and learning performance will be developed through literature analysis, expert interviews, fuzzy Delphi, and fuzzy AHP. The reliability and validity of the two approaches will be also verified. On the third year, a quasi-experimental study will be conducted based upon two classes of students taking “computer programming” course at a “computer and information department” in some university.. One class using portfolios is the experimental group, on the contrary, the other class of the same size using traditional assessment (non-using portfolio) is controlled group. Using MANCOVA statistical approach, the difference in KM and learning performance will Documental analysis approach will be conducted to analyze students’ portfolio content. Moreover, observation approach and interview will be also used to explore students’ KM and learning processes.網路模糊德懷術模糊層級分析法數位化學習歷程檔案知識管理平台分享知識管理網路化學習歷程檔案觀摩Web-based Fuzzy DelphiFuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP)e-PortfolioKnowledge ManagementPlatformSharingKnowledge ManagementWeb-based PortfolioEmulating電腦媒介系統在知識管理與學習成效之研究---以大學工程科系學生為例-網路化學習歷程檔案在知識管理之成效研究---以大學資訊工程系學生為例---子計畫一(I-III)The Effects of Web-Based Learning Portfolio on Knowledge Management for College Students of Computer and Information Engineering Department