賴香菊Lai, Hsiang-Chu林翰Lin, Han2020-12-142020-07-162020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0103590157%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110635影音服務數位化、網路媒體與行動載具的快速進步,帶動影音市場蓬勃發展。台灣有線電視用戶逐年下降,中華電信MOD與OTT平台興起,影音市場已經進入群雄割據時代。本研究利用文獻分析與彙整了解過去市場變化,加上問卷調查法蒐集目前消費者的使用現況,藉此了解影音市場變化及消費者的喜好,據以探討各影音平台業者的未來走向。 本研究調查結果顯示,有線電視與MOD彼此間存在著競爭關係,消費者多擇一訂購,但對OTT影音服務多搭配使用,補足有線電視與MOD影片內容不夠豐富的狀況,調查結果也顯示OTT蓬勃發展的主因係因其提供了消費者想看的內容,且可觀看的載具很多元,使得觀賞時數較長;而傳統有線電視用戶則多已習慣訂閱或有固定收看新聞而決定續訂,用戶年齡層較高,也多與家人同住;MOD則因多搭配中華電信網路加購,客戶黏著度較不足,調查結果顯示MOD退訂意願最高,而有線電視近年多推出便宜加購網路方案,增加家庭用戶黏著度,加上其有許多主流新聞頻道,退訂比例低於MOD,而OTT則幾乎無人退訂,表示OTT平台在內容與價格均能符合用戶需求。本調查結果顯示因國人網路吃到飽已十分普及,因此可以著重於消費者喜好之觀賞內容與定價策略調整,或是播放載具的多元性增加,方能面對未來OTT影音市場更加蓬勃發展下的挑戰。The digitalization of audiovisual services and the rapid advancement of network technology, streaming service and mobile devices have driven the vigorous development of the audiovisual market. The cable TV users in Taiwan are declining year by year because MOD and OTT platforms are more and more popular in recent years. It results in that the audiovisual market is getting more competitive. The purpose of this study is to understand the changes in the audiovisual market and consumer preferences in order to help the audiovisual platform industry find the right strategy for the future development. The results of this study show that there is a competitive relationship between cable TV and MOD. Most of consumers choose one from these two platforms. Because OTT provides more interesting contents and also can be accessed anywhere and anytime, many consumers also add OTT services in order to complement the insufficient content of cable TV and MOD. Many consumers keep the cable TV because they are used to watching TV. Most of these consumers are living with their family. Regarding MOD, it is bundled with the network service, so the consumers are not really interested in MOD program itself. More and more consumers unsubscribed MOD service and turned back to use cable TV which starts to provide network service as well. A notable phenomenon is that OTT is growing up continuously because its contents and price are more acceptable to users. Overall, as mobile services are getting popular and cheaper, it is very important to pay attention to consumer preferences for viewing content, pricing strategy adjustments, and increasing the diversity of watching devices.有線電視隨選視訊影音串流平台影音平台串流Cable TVVODOTTAudiovisualStreaming台灣影音市場的轉變與消費者行為分析The Transformation of Taiwan's Audiovisual Market and Analysis of Consumer Behavior