戴建耘Dai, Chien-Yun李欣營Li, Sin-Ying2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060570022H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111023資訊科技與網際網路的進步改變了教育現場。透過資訊科技發展出各式教學輔具以及學習理論,其中最常見到的便是線上測驗系統,線上測驗系統能及時產出測驗結果,使用者能迅速知道測驗結果,進而針對不足的地方做出修正。 因應新課綱的專業英文的推動,專業英日文詞彙與聽力能力大賽以培養國際化專業優秀人才的理念來推動專業英文的發展,希望能得到教育界更多的重視,透過以賽促教、以賽促學、以賽促用、以賽促研以及以賽促交流來舉辦賽事。 資訊化系統可以幫助管理大量資訊,以及提升系統品質,人力資源上可以降低浪費,資訊處理上迅速又可靠,本研究建置「聰敏型評量成效分析系統」,重新審視「專業英日文詞彙與聽力能力大賽」工作流程,以及將工作流程系統化,用以管理逐年成長的龐大資料,透過規則庫的設計改善記獎模組與部分流程,達到聰敏型效果提升系統的操作性,將過往人力作業需耗費近一個月的團體獎,改善至只需花費數秒使用系統介面按鈕便產生團體獎報表。The advanced technology of Internet has changed the learning environment today. To develop various teaching aids and learning theories with information technology, the most common one is the online test system. Online test system can produce test results in a timely manner, and the user can quickly know the test results and make corrections for the shortages. To promote professional English of the new curriculum, the professional English and Japanese vocabulary and listening ability competition could help the development of professional English by cultivating the concept of international professional talents. It is hoped that the education sector will pay more attention to it and hope that education, learning, usage, research and exchange could be promoted by competition. The information system can help manage a large amount of information and improve system quality. Human resources can reduce waste. Information processing is fast and reliable. This study builds an " Intelligent Assessment Analyzing Integrated System " and re-examine the workflow of professional English and Japanese vocabulary and hearing competency competition. The systematization of the workflow manage the huge amount of information that grows year after year, and it improved prize calculating modules and part of the work flow through the design of and the rule base. The achieved smart-type effects enhance the operability of the system, Group Award calculation that take nearly one month for human resource in the past, which improved to generate Group Award reports in just a few seconds by using the system interface button.工作流程資料分析網頁建置系統開發workflowdata analysisexpert systemrule-base聰敏型成效表現整合系統之建置Building of Smart Assessment Analyzing Integrated System