潘彗玲2014-10-272014-10-271998-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/19117長期以來,男性觀點不斷透過權力的運作機制支配著人類的活動,女性自覺挑戰既有的知識論,所發展出的另類思考可以幫助吾人檢視社會中平等、差異的議題。本文以教育為範疇,以女性主義觀點檢視學校教育,所選擇探討的重點有四:(一)首先分析傳統上女人未能擁有自我生存的主體地位,所被定位的是相對於男人的「他人」(other);(二)以課程、師生互動、空間的使用與分配、性騒擾等四角度透視學校教育的運作;(三)重新剖析男女性別上的差異,以扭轉過去對於女性偏誤的詮釋;(四)最後,則以兩性教育的視域思考目前幾個重要的學習與教學理論。Traditionally, men's perspective dominates human activities through power mechanism. Women's self-awareness challenged the existent epistemology. The alternative thinking, feminists developed, enables us to examine critically the issues of equity and difference in the society. This paper explores gender issues in education through the lenses of feminism. Four parts are included:1.First of all, the status of women traditionally positioned as the“other” is analyzed;2.four angles, such as curriculum, teacher-student interactions, the use and distribution of space and sexual harassment are used to investigate the current schooling;3.Gender difference is reanalyzed in order to change our distorted view of females;4.finally, several important theories of learning and teaching are discussed under a vision of gender education.女性主義性別差異性別教育FeminismGender differenceGender education檢視教育中的性別議題Examining Gender Issues in Education