陳信欽賴嘉宏蘇彥寧簡佑丞蘇育正黃悅民劉嘉茹Hsin-Chin ChenChia-Hung LaiYen-Ning SuYu-Cheng ChienYu-Zheng SuYueh-Min HuangChia-Ju Liu2016-05-042016-05-042013-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78005二十一世紀已經成為一個知識經濟的時代,各國的產業界皆積極發展創新產品來贏得消費者的肯定。因此,培養同時具備創意及工程背景的人才即成為政府當前的教育方針。目前工程教育係為機械工程之基礎學科,而機構學又為機械工程最重要的基礎知識之一。然而,受限於成本限制,大部分的學校多礙於此而無法採購大型的機械裝置,故而一般教學情境中教師多藉由課本作為機構學的授課工具,用以講授課程。然而,受限於紙本圖書的物理限制,課本上的機構模型皆僅能以靜態圖片來呈現內容,使致難以將機構的運作進行完整呈現,而導致學生可能無法理解實際運作過程。有鑑於此,為了加強學生對機構運作過程的瞭解,利用多媒體影片、動畫輔助學生學習機構的運作過程即有其必要性。因此,本研究提出一個影片註記學習系統以嘗試用於大專院校的機構學課程。透過此系統,教師可運用影片註記的功能強調機構運動的重點,學生亦可利用註記系統標明學習機構的問題,以提供師生有別以往的學習體驗。待系統發展畢,本研究即透過科技接受模式來探討學生使用影片註記系統的滿意度。研究結果顯示學生對於影片註記系統有良好的接受態度及使用意圖,而此結果則可作為未來導入新興科技於機構學教學活動之參考。The 21st century has become the era of a knowledge-based economy, and the industrial sectors of all countries are actively developing innovative products to win the consumers' recognition. Therefore, cultivating the talents with creative and engineering background becomes the most important education policy for the government. The mechanical engineering disciplines are the main basic knowledge of engineering science education, and Mechanisms is the most important curriculum in Mechanical Engineering. Due to most schools are unable to purchase large mechanical devices because of cost constraints, teachers are used to teach Mechanisms with textbooks. However, the model of machines are presented by static pictures in textbooks, and it is difficult to fully present action of the machine, resulting in student may misunderstand the action of the machine in learning process. In order to enhance students to understand the operation process of machines, it is necessary to use digital videos and animations to observe the process of mechanical operation. Therefore, this study proposes a video annotation learning system for learning Mechanisms curriculum. Teachers can emphasized the focus of the mechanical motion process with multimedia annotation system, and students can use annotation tools pointed out the learning problems, providing instructional references for teachers. Meanwhile, the study uses technology acceptance model to develop questionnaire to explore the learning satisfaction of the students to use this video annotation learning. The questionnaire results showed students have a well accepted attitude and behavioral intentions for this system.影片註記機構學VideoAnnotationMechanisms影片註記學習系統在機構學課程之應用與評估The Application and Assessment of Video Annotation Learning System in Mechanisms Curriculum