王力億Wang, Li-Yi呂巧暄Lu, Chiao-Hsuan2022-06-082021-08-252022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c8e444a9fcc1969548ade0a23fb6722c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118121學生英語能力的雙峰現象為國中英語教學現場普遍存在的困境,如何引發英語低成就學生學習動機,也成為許多英語教師所面臨的一大挑戰。在過去的教學經驗中,研究者曾經觀察到這些學生對遊戲充滿高度興趣,於是試想如果將遊戲運用於國中英語教學,是否能提升這些學生的英語學習動機?本研究旨在檢視遊戲融入英語教學課程對國中低成就學生英語學習動機的影響,並探討該課程影響低成就學生英語學習動機的關鍵要素。本研究採混合式研究法,以臺北市某國中八年級、十七位英語低成就學生為研究對象,由研究者對其進行6堂遊戲融入英語教學課程。量化研究工具以「英語學習動機量表」蒐集前、後測分數,以相依樣本t考驗進行分析;質性研究工具包括半結構式訪談、教師教學手札以及學生學習紀錄表,採三角驗證及主題分析法。研究結果顯示,此遊戲融入英語教學課程對研究對象英語學習動機有正面影響,使他們對學習英文更有興趣,也逐漸對自己的英文能力有更強的信心,且降低了他們學習英文的焦慮感。此課程對低成就學生英語學習動機帶來正面影響的關鍵要素則包括輕鬆愉快的課堂氣氛以及教師有趣的教學風格,吸引他們的上課注意力,教師適時地給予協助與關心,讓他們對學習英文更有信心。自由分組機制降低了他們學英文的焦慮感,小組競爭比賽使他們產生勝負慾而更積極投入活動,組員之間交流互動與合作分工,讓他們感到同儕支持力量而更願意參與課程。研究者根據研究結果提出以下四項建議。首先,教師應建立風趣的教學風格,積極關心低成就學生的學習狀況,並適時提供學習鷹架的協助。其次,師培生應學習了解低成就學生的學習特性以及設計遊戲教學課程的原則;在職教師則應多參與聚焦遊戲教學課程設計與實施的增能研習。再者,學校可增加遊戲融入英語教學課程的內容多元性,並將遊戲教學發展為補救教學的模式。最後,未來研究可考慮針對實施此類課程的時間、不同教育階段的低成就學生、與不同規模的研究樣本數,進行此類課程對低成就學生英語學習動機影響之多元面向探討。In Taiwan, the bimodal distribution of students’ English ability is a common problem in junior high schools. It’s also a challenge for English teachers to triggerlow achievers’ motivation for learning English. During her teaching career, the researcher herself once noticed that low achievers were highly interested in games. Accordingly, the researcher was wondering whether game-integrated English lessons would shift low achievers’ motivation for learning English. This study aimed to examine the influence of game-integrated English lessons on low achievers’ motivation for learning English in junior high schools and identify the key elements of these lessons that contribute to their motivation for learning English. This study adopted a mixed-methods approach. The participants of this study were 17 eighth-graders who were identified as low achievers in English subject in a junior high school in Taipei City. They attended six game-integrated English lessons conducted by the researcher herself. The quantitative tool for data collection was the English Learning Motivation Scale. The scale was used in the pretest and posttest and the collected data was analyzed using dependent sample t-test. The qualitative tools for data collection include semi-structured interviews, the instructor’s teaching notes, and the research participants’ learning notes. The qualitative data was triangulated and analyzed based on the principles of thematic analysis. The results of this study show that these game-integrated English lessons had a positive impact on the participants’ motivation for learning English. The participants became more interested in learning English and more confident in their English ability. Also, these lessons reduced the participants’ anxiety while they were learning English. The key elements of these game-integrated English lessons that contributed to the positive impact include: the relaxing classroom atmosphere and the teacher’s interesting teaching style caught low achievers’ attention. That the teacher provided proper assistance and showed care to them made them confident about learning English. With free-gathering groups, they felt less anxious when they learned English. Group competition made them more actively participate in activities in order to win the game. Team members would interact and collaborate with each other, and it made low achievers feel that they were supported by the peers and became more willing to participate in activities, etc. Four recommendations were made based on the results of this study. Firstly, teachers should keep the class interesting, show more care to low achievers while they are learning, and provide constructive feedback and proper assistance when they encounter learning difficulties. Secondly, pre-service teachers should learn about understand low achievers’ learning characteristics and the principles of designing game-integrated lessons. As for in-service teachers, they should actively participate in workshops that focus on the design and administration of game-integrated lessons. Thirdly, schools should enrich teaching content of game-integrated lessons and develop game-integrated lessons as a means or pattern of remedial teaching. Lastly, for future research, researchers could consider conducting game-integrated lessons at different timings during the school day, applying these lessons to low achievers at different educational stages, and recruiting different sizes of research samples to examine the dynamics of the influence of game-integrated English lessons on low achievers’ motivation for learning English.遊戲教學課程低成就學生英語學習動機Game-integrated lessonsLow achieversEnglish learningmotivation遊戲融入英語教學對國中低成就學生英語學習動機之影響The Influence of Game-Integrated English Lessons on Junior High School Low Achievers' Motivation for Learning English學術論文