國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所李根芳2015-07-032015-07-032014-12-011024-2856http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73772在臺灣的出版市場,文學翻譯向來具有不可或缺的地位。世界文學經典或多或少就像是一個品牌保證,在今日的全球化勢力席捲之下,得以傳布到世界各地,以不同的語言譯介到其他國家與文化,使不瞭解源語的讀者能夠更方便有效率地閱讀各國作品。隨著翻譯研究的發展,愈來愈多的學者強調翻譯及譯者不應該再隱身,我們應該正視翻譯及譯者的影響力及地位。本論文以吳爾芙的《自己的房間》三個中文譯本為主要分析案例,輔以李察.巴哈的《天地一沙鷗》及村上春樹作品,試圖剖析經典翻譯與翻譯經典之不同。藉由法國社會學家布迪厄所闡述之不同文化生產場域理論,本論文強調為了使文學翻譯的地位得到更大的肯定,體現譯者作為重寫者的價值,出版界及教育界應該從文化生產場域著手改變,如此一來,翻譯文學應可在世界文學的舞臺上散發出更耀眼的光芒。In Taiwan's publishing market, literary translation has always played a tremendous role. As world literature has recently regained academic attention, it is worth pursuing how Taiwanese readership receives those literary texts. Since scholars tend to emphasize the visibility of translation as well as translators, I argue that it is time we differentiate translated canons from canonical translations. Without undermining the statue of the classics, we should give more credit to translators as (re)writers and their translations the canonical status they deserve. I explore how Jonathan Livingstone Seagull and Murakami Haruki's works become canonized in Taiwan's context, and further take Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own as a challenging example to examine its three Chinese translations published in Taiwan during the past decades. I argue that canon can be treated as a “brand” for the publishers to promote their translated literary works. By contrast, some middle-brow works in their source culture could become canonized when they travel to a foreign land. By applying Pierre Bourdieu's discussion of the field of production of symbolic goods to production and reception of translated literature, I suggest that the publishers and translators, as re-writers, are influenced by the logic of the field of cultural production. By comparing translators' style with Woolf's aesthetics, this paper suggests that many re-writing/translation enriches and reactivates the afterlife of Woolf's works. Yet, translating canons does not guarantee the work would be automatically canonical translation. It is argued that some translated classics may not reach the canonical translation in the field of world literature in Taiwan.翻譯經典經典翻譯自己的房間世界文學象徵商品Translating canonCanonical translationA Room of One's OwnWorld literatureSymbolic goods翻譯經典,經典翻譯--以吳爾芙的《自己的房間》為例Translating Canons, Canonical Translation-- Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own as a Case Study�