張柏舟陳思帆Szufan Chen2019-09-052011-8-92019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698630209%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103475在整個大環境的變化及進步之下,電腦、行動電話、傳真機、印表機、掃瞄器、i – pod…等3C產品顯然已成為現今社會中的一項全民運動,人人都依賴電子產品的輔助,使得工作更加便捷迅速。而" 電腦 "更是眾多3C產品之中,不論是人與人溝通或是工作、作業的基本操作使用工具介面運用,已經變成一種生活基本的素養條件了。 本研究中將兒童界定於國小三年級~六年級(8~12歲)之孩童,將電腦軟體限定為繪圖功能軟體,將圖像(icon)介定為軟體工具列之圖像。依據學童的切身需求情形藉由問卷、文獻探討深入瞭解,加上國小教師、設計專家的建議與統合,而量身訂做設計出一套國小學童適用之繪圖軟體系統介面圖像設計,期望達到促進孩童增長繪圖或作業學習的欲望,並幫助孩童於學習過程中更加便捷迅速的易於繪圖軟體使用,讓孩子從小即習慣電子數位工具的應用,可望促成事半功倍的作業效果。 『繪圖』除了能夠培養並發揮國小學童的想像能力之外,無形中也有宣洩情緒、平衡思緒的隱性正面影響,除了實質的畫筆、圖紙繪圖之外,期望提供多一項藉由電腦繪圖之選擇於國小學童,促進國小學童嘗試在實質圖紙繪畫中不易達到之種種特殊效果,卻可輕易於電腦繪圖中達成,並達到減少紙張及畫筆資源之開發,更提供予家長、教師、學童多一個繪畫方式的選擇。 有鑒於目前市場上之國小學童較頻繁使用繪圖軟體,其介面圖像設計都過於繁雜並趨於成人化設計。因此企圖深入瞭解國小中、高年級學童的認知層度及需求項目,重新修改、設計出一套專為國小學童電腦繪圖軟體介面圖像設計,將使國小學童於繪圖軟體的使用上,更明確而具趣味性。In the modern society, 3C products such as computers, mobile phones,fax machine, printer, scanner, iPod... etc, they all play an important role in people's life. Most people depend on electronic devices to make get their work done faster and their life easier. Among the products mentioned, "personal computer" is the basic tool and interface that can help communication and daily operation. And it has become the fundamental part in our everyday life. In this research, the term "children" is referred to kids that are in 3rd to 6th grade in elementary school (normally aged 8 to 12). The "computer software" is defined as graphics/ image editing software, and "icons" means the icons appear on the toolbar of the software. A set of icons for graphics software's interface is designed. It is tailor-made for elementary school children for the purpose that we can improve their ability for drawing, and also help them easily know how to use the icons during their learning process, so children can get used to digital tools from their childhood. Surveys, interviews, and literature reviews are conducted to find out children's requirements. Also, advices from elementary school teachers and suggestions from design experts are also taken into consideration. Besides developing and express children's imagination, drawing can also help soothing their emotion and balance thoughts. Aside from physical drawing papers and pens, offering computer graphic software can help children try to reach special effects that are not easily approached using physical tools. And it can also reduce the usage of papers and pens and other resources, and it also offers an alternative way for parents, teachers and children to draw. Since the current market for graphics software are mostly for adults, children do not have their choices. Therefore, this research aims to understand children's recognition and requirements thoroughly, and modify/design an icon set especially for elementary school children. In this way, the elementary school students can use graphics software more precisely and with more fun.介面設計圖像(icon)設計國小學童Interface designthe image (icon) designelementary school children國小學童繪圖軟體介面圖像設計創作與研究The study and creation of Graphic User Interface for elementary school children