闕月清陳小芬2019-09-052010-7-52019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695300384%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105698高高屏地區國小體育教師工作壓力與倦怠之研究 2009年6月 指導教授:闕月清 研 究 生:陳小芬 摘要 本研究旨在探討國小體育教師工作壓力與倦怠之情形。研究方法透過半結構式訪談六位高高屏地區兼任教練的國小體育教師,試圖探討造成國小體育教師工作壓力和倦怠的影響因素。研究結果發現,國小體育教師身兼多重角色,而有不同的工作壓力與倦怠感,在工作壓力感受方面為中等程度,壓力來源分別因扮演不同角色而有不同的壓力。是一位體育教師時,壓力來源有學校方面、家長方面、學生方面、行政方面和導師方面的壓力;是一位教練時,壓力來源有經費來源不足、訓練方面、比賽方面、成績方面、選手方面和自我專業提升方面的壓力。在工作倦怠方面感受為中等程度,造成的倦怠感受分別為對工作產生無力感、對工作沒有成就感和想轉換工作跑道。在面對壓力所做的因應對策有溝通、情緒抒發、放棄和運動,依據研究結果,建議政府推廣體育活動,並加強宣導,以達一校一體育團隊之目標;同時舉辦更多體育相關研習,加強體育教師專業能力,求降低國小體育教師壓力,更能積極地促進體育團隊的訓練和成長。 關鍵詞:國小體育教師、工作壓力、工作倦怠Job Pressure and Burnout of Kao-Suing / Pin-Tung Elementary Physical Education Teachers Master’s Thesis, June, 2009 Chen, Hsiao Fen Advisor:Keh Nyit Chin, Ph.D. Abstract This study examined the job pressure and burnout of physical education teachers in elementary school during their working hours, factors that caused their job pressure and burnout. Semi-structural interview was used to interview six coaches in Kao-Suing/Pin-Tung region who were also physical education teachers in elementary school. The research findings indicated that physical education teachers played multi-roles in elementary school, experienced different types of job stress and burnout. Job pressure was about medium level while the sources of pressure came from playing different roles. As a physical education teacher, he/she experienced pressure from school, parents, students, administrators and classroom teachers. As a coach, pressure came from insufficient budget, training, competition, performance, athletes, and self professional growth. Job stress was also about medium level that each came from feeling helpless toward his/her work, lack of self-fulfillment and desire to change career path. Physical Education teachers used the following steps when encountered with pressure: to communicate, expressed emotions, give up and did exercised. According to the results of this research, it was recommended that government should encourage more athletic activities and have more extensive promotion on sports events. The objective for one-school-one-sports club could be reached. At the same time, sports related courses should be held more frequently to improve the level of physical education teachers' professionalism, to minimize the stress for physical education teachers in elementary school, and to facilitate sports club training and professional growth. Key words: Elementary physical education teacher, job stress, burnout國小體育教師工作壓力工作倦怠Elementary physical education teacherjob stressburnout高高屏地區國小體育教師工作壓力與倦怠之研究