李懿芳Lee, Yi-Fang張志皓Chang, Chih-Hao2019-09-042020-12-302019-09-042015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060270016H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98580本研究旨在探討技術型高中電機電子群學生的自我導向學習傾向與專題製作課程學習成效之關係,並以解決問題能力做為中介變項以瞭解其影響效果。本研究抽取桃園市電機電子群學生322人為樣本,進行「專題製作課程自我導向學習傾向與解決問題能力調查問卷」施測,所得量化資料採取描述性統計、皮爾遜積差相關及階層多元迴歸等方法,進行統計分析。主要研究結論包括:一、電機電子群學生在專題製作課程中,自我導向學習傾向越好、解決問題能力越高者,其學習成效越佳。二、電機電子群學生在專題製作課程中,自我導向學習傾向與解決問題能力對學習成效皆有顯著影響。三、電機電子群學生在專題製作課程中,解決問題能力在自我導向學習傾向對學習成效影響中具中介效果。根據上述結論,本研究分別以從專題課程設計、教師教學、技術型高中電機電子群學生及未來研究等方面提出建議,例如:重視解決問題能力的提升與培養、教師做好輔助角色等,以供教育行政機關、學校單位及技術型高中參考。The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between learning outcome of capstone project course and self-directed learning readiness inthe student of electronics and electrical engineering in vocational high schools with the mediator effect of problem solving skills. The sample included 315 electronics and electrical engineering students in Taoyuan city. A questionnaire was developed to collect data and descriptive statistics, person’s product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis were utilized to analyze them. The major conclusions were summarized as followings:1. Electronics and electrical engineering students’ self-directed learning readiness and problem solving skills was significantly correlated to their learning outcome. 2. Students’ self-directed learning readiness and problem solving skills had a significant effect on their learning outcome. 3. Students’ problem solving skills was fullmediation in their learning outcome. According to the conclusions, this study provided suggestions for education administration authorities, schools, and vocational high schools on topics of capstone project course design, teaching, electronics and electrical engineering students and future research. Suggestions such asteachers could emphasize on problem-solving skills as designing capstone sourse and perform a role of facilitator during students’ learning process.自我導向學習傾向解決問題能力專題製作學習成效self-directed learning readinessproblem solvingcapstone project courselearning outcome技術型高中學生自我導向學習傾向與專題製作學習成效之關係:解決問題能力之中介效果A study of the relationship between self-directed learning readiness and learning outcome in the capstone project course at vocational high schools: The mediating effect of problem solving skills.