田秀蘭 博士簡慧貞2019-08-282015-6-212019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0599012116%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90819本研究的目的在探討不同背景變項之高中生在學校生活適應、生涯自我效能及希望感的差異與關係。研究過程採立意取樣,共抽取新北市新莊區三所公立社區型高中之高一、高二男女生,男320人,女294人,有效樣本共614人。研究工具包括「學校生活適應量表」、「生涯決定自我效能預期量表」及「希望感量表」。所得資料以描述統計、皮爾遜積差相關分析、單因子多變量變異數分析、二因子多變量變異數分析、逐步迴歸分析等統計方進進行整理。研究結果如下。 一、高中生學校生活適應、生涯自我效能及希望感之分層面間達顯著相關。 二、高中生整體學校生活適應,在性別、年級、組別及入學管道等背景變項上有統計上的顯著差異。 三、高中生整體生涯自我效能,在性別及組別等背景變項上有統計上的顯著差異,而在年級、入學管道上並無顯著差異。 四、高中生希望感之意志力、方法分層面,在年級、組別上有顯著差異,且高一自然組得分高於高二自然組。高中生之希望感分層面及整體在性別、年級上,性別達主要效果,在其他背景變項上無顯著差異。 五、高中生之學校生活適應與生涯自我效能對整體希望感有顯著預測力,其中以「能力與人格自我評量」對整體希望感之預測力最高。 最後,研究者依據本研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議以做為國高中生輔導工作及未來研究之參考。The Study of Correlation among School life Adjustment, Career Self-Efficacy and Hope Chien Hui-Chen ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to explore the differences and relations among school life adjustment, career self-efficacy and hope of senior high school students in terms of their different backgrounds. We also examined the predictability of school life adjustment and career self-efficacy to hope for senior high school students. Participants were 614 senior high school students (320 males and 294 females) from three senior high school in Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City. The instruments applied were School Life Adjustment Scale, Career Self-efficacy Scale, and Children’ s Hope Scale. The obtain data were analyzed by descriptive statistic, one-way MANOVA, two-way MANOVA, and forward regression analysis. The results were as follows: 1.The canonical correlation among school life adjustment, career self-efficacy and hope were significant. 2.The school life adjustment of senior high school varied significantly in terms of gender, grade, major subjects, and the senior high schools' multiple-entrance way. 3.The career self-efficacy of senior high school vaired significantly in terms of gender and major subjects, but not grade and the senior high schools' multiple-entrance way. 4.Grade and major subjects have significant interaction effect on hope. Gender and grade have no significant interaction effect on hope, but there was significant group difference in terms of gender. 5.The predictabilities of school life adjustment and career self-efficacy on hope were significant. Among which the self-assessment of ability and personality is the most predictable. Based on the results, suggestions for career guidance and future researches were disussed and proposed.學校生活適應生涯自我效能希望感school life adjustmentcareer self-efficacyhope高中生學校生活適應、生涯自我效能及希望感之相關研究