許瑛玿謝惠珠2014-10-272014-10-272004-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16836本研以現況調查及晤談所歸納之學生颱風相關另有概念(alternative conception),作為發展颱風課程之依據,再融入BDEI(Conceptual Bridging-Differentiation-Exchange-Integration)(Hewson & Hewson, 1983)概念改變教學策略於學習活動中,發展一套地球科學教育來增進學生颱風相關概學習。研究計設採用實驗研究法,從先前現況調查所抽樣之各區域(北區、中區、南區及東區)學校中,各選取一個學校之一個班級進行實驗教學,共四個班級總計人數131人(男生65人,女生66人)。探討國中生在「BDEI概念改變式主道的颱風課程」中概念學習成效。研究結果顯示實驗教學後:(1)學生在「颱風為何種天氣系統」、「颱風結構」、「西南氣流引進豪雨」及「颱風、颶風與龍捲風的比較」等問題的迷思概念選項選答率顯著減少;(2)學生在颱風常識的消息發佈、基本概念及警報單判讀的得分皆有顯著的進步,尤其在颱風消息發佈及颱風基本概念的進步顯著高於警報單判讀的進步;(3)高、中、低科學過程技能學生在颱風常識測驗後測的得皆皆有顯著進步,以中科學過程技能學生進步最多。本研究中證實以「BDEI概念改變教學策略」的教學,可以減少學生颱風相關的迷思概念且能增進不同認知能力(科學過程技能)學生的概念成長,故建議未來的研究宜先偵測學生的迷思概念,再配合有效概念改變策略進行教學,以增進學生概念學習。The researchers first gathered information, from a survey and interviews, regarding students' misconceptions about storm systems. They then used an experimental methodology, the teaching strategy known as Bridging--Differentiation-Exchange-Integration (BDEI, Hewson & Hewson, 1983), in order to teach a newly-developed set of lessons on Typhoons at the junior high school level. The purpose was to not how this teaching strategy promoted, by facilitating conceptual change, the students' understanding of this topic. The survery's sample consisted of four classes of third-year students at four junior high schools, representing the northern, middle, southern, and eastern parts of Taiwan. There were 131 participants, including 65 males and 66 females. After the teaching experiment, statistical results indicated that: (a) students' misconceptions were reduced regarding "the weather system of typhoons" (x2=38.29, p<0.000), "the structure of typhoons" (x2=55.63, p<0.000), "differences between the typhoon, hurricane and tornado" (x2=58.27, p<0.000); (b) students' conceptual progress was significantly different for the three "typhoon" subtopics (announcement channels, basic concepts, and the meaning for the alert sheet) (F=420.64, p<0.000); and (c) students with different levels of science learning skill showed significant differences in conceptual progress (F=3.37, p<0.037). This study highlights the potential of the BDEI teaching strategy as a means toward the substantial enhancement of students' conceptual change in science education.另有架構科學學習迷思概念教學策略概念改變Alternative frameworkScience learningMisconceptionTeaching strategyConceptual change應用概念改變教學策略在颱風常識的學習A Teaching Strategy for Conceptual Change on Typhoon Topic