劉秀嫚博士林宜儒Yi-Ju Lin2019-08-282013-2-232019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0594071115%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88451本研究旨在探討實施「永中公民養成方案」對增進國中學生政治功效意識與 公民參與態度之效果,並根據研究結果提出具體建議,以供日後實施「永中公民 養成方案」和未來相關研究之參考。 本研究採不等組前後測準實驗設計,以台北縣某國中七年級學生66 人為研 究對象,其中實驗組學生33 人由導師運用每週45 分鐘的彈性課程(自習課)時 間,進行「永中公民養成方案」教學,而控制組33 人則維持原有導師所安排的 教學活動。 本研究使用的工具為研究者參考國內外頗具信效度的相關量表所修訂的 「國中生政治功效意識及公民參與態度問卷」,並輔以「快樂分享」回饋單、學 生日記以及實驗後所進行的學生訪談及教師教學省思等質性資料。實驗所得資料 以描述統計以及共變數分析等統計方法進行各項分析與檢定,並輔以各種質性資 料作為解釋實驗效果的補充和參考。 根據資料分析結果,本研究的主要發現如下: 一、 實施「永中公民養成方案」在量化統計上未能顯著提升國中學生政治 功效意識,但從學生回饋表、日記、訪談等質性資料可見其正面成效。 二、 實施「永中公民養成方案」能顯著提升國中學生公民參與態度。 三、 依據各種量化與質性資料所分析結果顯示,實驗組學生對於「公民養 成方案」多持正向、積極的看法。 研究者根據上述的研究結果加以討論並提出相關建議,以作為教育應用及未 來研究的參考。An Action research of the Effect of “Yong-Zhong Project Citizen”on the Political Efficacy and Political Participation of Junior High School Students Yi-Ju Lin Abstract The purpose of this action research was to investigate the effects of “Yong-Zhong Project Citizen” on the Political Efficacy and Political Participation of Junior High School Students. The study utilized a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design and the 66 students selected from Yong Ho Junior High School in Taipei county were divided into two groups. During the spring semester of 2007, all students in the experimental group received “Yong-Zhong Project Citizen” program in one of the three Alternative Learning Periods weekly and lasted for nine weeks, while students in the control group maintained all regular class activities, typically tests, arranged by their homeroom teacher. The study employed “Questionnaire of Political Efficacy and Political Participation for Junior High School Students”, which was revised by the researcher, to conduct pretest and posttest, in addition to qualitative approach. This study also applied interview, classroom observation, experimental students’ dairies and journal analysis to collect qualitative data. The major findings included: 1. The experimental students did not significantly outperform students in the control group on political efficacy. However, analysis of qualitative data revealed that there is an increase in the political efficacy of experimental students. 2. The experimental students significantly outperformed students in the control group in political participation. 3. According to quantitative and qualitative data, the experimental students responded positively and aggressively toward “Yong-Zhong Project Citizen”. Finally, according to the findings, some suggestions were discussed for improving the application of “Yong-Zhong Project Citizen” and for further research. Key words: We the People…Project Citizen, Yong-Zhong Project Citizen, political efficacy, political participation公民養成方案永中公民養成方案政治功效意識公民參與態度We the People…Project CitizenYong-Zhong Project Citizenpolitical efficacypolitical participation「永中公民養成方案」影響國中學生政治意識與公民參與態度之行動研究An Action research of the Effect of “Yong-Zhong Project Citizen”on the Political Efficacy and Political Participation of Junior High School Students