李勤岸蔡瑋芬2019-08-292006-8-182019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692260088%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93279摘 要 本文是以戰後ê台語文學運動作研究對象,探討運動tī 1986年以後開展出來ê原因,以及運動ùi 1986年到1991年中間開展ê過程kap開展出來ê面貌。 本文指出戰後台語文學運動開展ê背景,是1970年代尾期發生美麗島事件了後,相續落來整個1980年代政治社會運動ê chhiaⁿ-iāⁿ,致使台灣人ê自我認同開始變動,主體性mā ta̍uh-ta̍uh ùi中國sóa移來台灣,加上台語tī政治長期壓制之下產生反彈,語言意識漸漸產生。台語文學運動著tī這種背景下底來得著開展。 戰後台語文學運動khiā tī台灣主體ê立場,來思考台灣民族、文學、語言、文字ê關係,m̄-nā接引日本時代台灣話文論爭ê種籽,mā接收歐洲民族主義ê語言觀,開展出「言文一致」kap「民族語言文學論」兩個理論來支持運動,並且beh來kā「台灣文學」做再定義。Mā是因為這兩個理論來引起兩擺ê論戰。 Tī運動ê實踐上,1991年台語文學專門刊物《蕃薯詩刊》kap偏屬台語文運動性刊物ê《台文通訊》創刊,加上《台灣文藝》ê台語文學版面、《民眾日報》ê「台語文學特刊」,箍óa台語文學者,mā h³台語文學運動初步掌握著發聲ê工具以及作品發表ê舞台。Tī這個階段,文類ê發展ùi詩孤一類,湠到散文、小說kap戲劇,mā有濟濟作家相續加入運動kap創作。Abstract This thesis investigates the movement of Taiwanese literature after the end of World War 2, discussing issues involved in the cause of the movement spreading out in 1986, the development of the movement from 1986 until 1991, and the appearance of the movement after its growth. The movement of postwar Taiwanese literature developed in the late Seventies after the Formosa incident occurred. In the Eighties, the blooming political movement led to the rise of the self-identity of Taiwanese people, and also gradually transformed the Chinese subjectivity into Taiwanese. Furthermore, native language consciousness sprang up due to the easing of long-term political oppression on Taiwanese languages. This was the background to the development of the Taiwanese literature movement. In the postwar years, the movement of Taiwanese literature served as the voice of the emerging Taiwanese national identity on the relationships between Taiwanese nation, literature, languages, and scripts. The movement not only successfully integrated portions of its predecessor, the Taiwanese Colloquial Writing Movement during the Japanese era, but also borrowed vernacular conception from the European nationalism. Moreover, it advanced two theories - "the correspondence of spoken and written language" and "the national language and literature" to support the movement itself, and used these theories to redefine "Taiwanese Literature." These theories also caused the two major movements of Taiwanese colloquial writing. As the movement grew and matured, several periodicals offered broad and specific overviews of the evolution - "Han-chi Poetry Quarterly" 'Sweet Potato Poetry Quarterly' as a specialized periodical of Taiwanese literature and "Tai-bun Thong-sin" 'Taiwanese Writing Forum' as a periodical of the movement in Taiwanese writing which began publication in 1991. Also, the printed page of Taiwanese literature in " Tai-oan Bun-ge" 'Taiwan Literature and Art' and the special issue of Taiwanese literature in "Bin-chiong Jit-po" 'Common People Daily' gathered a group of scholars of Taiwanese language and literature, and provided the Taiwanese literature movement the medium and means of distribution for early publication. In this phase, the genre developed from the category of poetry to prose, fiction, and drama, and many writers joined the movement and helped it gain the critical mass of continuous publication.台語文學台語文學運動台語文學論爭戰後台語文學運動e開展:1986-1991