周德瑋Chou, De-Wai陳仲全Chen, Chung-Chuan2019-09-032022-06-232019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0104590146%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94891在這數位匯流的時代,行動通信高度影響人們的生活。而新的電信技術與新應用服務,則高度影響電信業者的網路建設與營運模式,且獲利來源也明顯的從語音為主轉變到以行動上網為主。 行動通信技術目前已發展到以4G為主,而面對電信技術與應用潮流的改變,國際間、各業者目光集中的焦點都在即將於2020年商用的5G網路。面對這樣的機會與挑戰,本研究主要以電信業獲利模式的觀點,參考行動電信市場發展與獲利模式的軌跡,研究5G網路的發展對台灣行動電信業者未來的營運模式的影響與改變。 本研究探討5G網路對台灣行動電信業者營運模式之影響。藉由Bansi Nagji and Geoff Tuff的Ambition Matrix(抱負矩陣)分析,建議5G網路建設與創新服務要相輔規畫進行。藉由Doblin的Ten Types of Innovation(創新的10個原點)分析,建議5G網路發展初期要先專注獲利模式與合作網絡的定位。藉由司徒達賢的策略型態分析法分析5G網路時代若要進入創新服務領域,建議採用合作夥伴提供者模式,跨界整合,建構5G生態系營運模式。 面對不同概念的新服務型態與不同的競爭者面貌,電信業者更迫切的問題是轉型。5G網路時代需強調跨界整合、異業結盟、建立良好的合作夥伴,以期在未來5G網路時代開創新服務市場、新的獲利模式。In the digital convergence era, telecommunication technology and new application services are changing steadily. It also changes the way telecommunication network constructed and dominant profit model from voice to 4G mobile internet service. The next event is the chance and challenge that the coming 5G network will bring. This thesis makes an analysis of the 5G network on the business model of Taiwan mobile operators. In between these analyses, by the ambition matrix, it shows that the investment to build a 5G network and create new service market should be designed and considered at the same time. By the 10 types of innovation, from the operators’ point of view, the telecommunication services covered all types of innovation including technology, network implementation, services, and channels. While in the initial stage of constructing 5G network, the most important innovation area are profit model and network to connect with other partners to create values. By the strategy profile analysis methodology and in response to the IoT, big data market demand, to approach new service market, it is recommended to adopt the Partner Service Provider model, cross different industry sectors collaboration and build a 5G network ecosystem. Facing the different new service models and different competitor profiles, the urgent task for the telecommunication operators is transformation、cross industry sectors collaboration、establishing close partner relationship and to create new service market and new profit model in the future 5G network.5G網路Ambition MatrixTen Types of Innovation策略型態分析法合作夥伴提供者模式5G networkAmbition MatrixTen Types of Innovationstrategy profile analysis methodologyPartner Service Provider model5G網路對台灣行動電信業者營運模式之影響探討An analysis of the 5G network on the business model of Taiwan mobile operators