魏秀珍Wei, Hsiu-chen郭筱璇Kuo, Hsiao-Hsuan2019-08-282017-09-282019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060306007E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86731新移民女性飄洋過海來到台灣,首當其衝的是文化、語言的重新調適,要如何調整自身情緒面對新的開始,並經營一個新的生活使自己及家庭產生幸福感,是新移民女性最重要的課題。但在過往研究中探討新移民女性議題多以問題導向進行,忽略了其正向的經驗,因此本研究以敘說的方式呈現了五位新移民女性來臺後的生命故事,期盼能突破以往研究的視角,發現新移民女性不同過去的樣貌。 在故事中發現,新移民女性來臺的適應過程雖然艱辛,但都能夠突破挑戰,進而走出家庭,幫助更多的姐妹。在適應過程中,最大的關鍵來自配偶及家人的支持與認同,肯定姐妹對於家庭的付出及努力,並且在姐妹來臺初期給予極大的幫助及鼓勵,因此使得五位新移民女性能夠度過適應階段的困難。在故事中也發現,新移民女性本身對於臺灣、對於家庭的認同能夠幫助她們在適應中堅持走下去。 因此未來若新移民女性來臺前能調整好心態,配偶及家庭能夠用正確的心態看待她們,或許就能使新移民女性的家庭幸福感有所提升。Coming to Taiwan from overseas countries, female immigrants are faced with the accommodation to culture and language. How to adjust one's state of mind to a new start and to manage a new life in order to make oneself and one's family happy, is the most important task for female immigrants. However, previous studies on issues related to female immigrants were mostly conducted in the problem-oriented manner, with positive experiences being passed over. Therefore, in a narrative manner, the current study presented life stories of five female immigrants in Taiwan, with the hope of breaking through existing research perspectives in order to discover aspects different from the past. It was found in the stories that even though the processes of accommodating were difficult and arduous, female immigrants still managed to break through the challenges and even stepped outside their families to assist their sisters. In accommodating processes, the key lies in the support and identification from spouses and families, in recognizing their sisters' devotion to families, as well as in providing their sisters with great assistance and encouragement during the beginning of their immigration to Taiwan. These made the five female immigrants capable of conquering the difficulties faced in accommodating processes. It was also found in the stories that female immigrants' sense of identification toward Taiwan and toward families could also help them go through with the accommodation. Accordingly, if future female immigrants can well adjust their states of mind before coming to Taiwan, and if spouses as well as families can treat them with the right attitudes, female immigrants' sense of happiness in families can thereby be increased.新移民女性家庭幸福感敘事研究New Immigrant WomenFamilyWell-beingNarrative Research落地生根之美-新移民女性敘說自身家庭幸福感New Immigrant Women Narrate Their Family Well-being