陳子瑋Tze-Wei Chen許琬翔Wan-hsiang Hsu2019-09-032014-08-312019-09-032014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699250147%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96083雖然填補詞在一般日常會話中十分常見,但口譯時應盡量避免使用填補詞向來是口譯學生奉行的金科玉律。口譯品質涵蓋的面向非常廣泛,然而鮮少有研究將填補詞獨立出來作為操縱變因,探討其對口譯品質評量之影響。本研究探討填補詞是否影響聽眾對口譯品質之評量,讓受試者為四段英翻中逐步口譯段落評分,並請受試者詳述其偏好理由。研究發現,多數聽眾偏好沒有填補詞的口譯產出,認為有填補詞的段落由於聽起來較為遲疑、不流暢、語言較不正式,因此口譯品質較低。此外,聽眾對於「嗯」、「那」、「痾」、「呢」等表示遲疑的有聲停頓較為敏感,而較能接受口譯時使用「基本上」、「所謂的」、「事實上」等用來穩住發言權的填補詞。The use of fillers is quite common in daily conversation, but students studying interpreting have always been advised not to use fillers in interpretation. The quality of interpretation encompasses a wide range of aspects, but seldom do previous studies look into the influence of fillers on the quality of interpretation. This study intends to find that whether the use of fillers in interpreting influences users’ evaluation of interpretation quality. In this study, subjects were asked to evaluate four paragraphs of English to Chinese consecutive interpretation and give their reasons for the evaluation and preferences. The study shows that most subjects prefer the interpreting rendition without fillers and believe that the ones with fillers have lower quality because the rendition is more hesitant, disfluent, and the language used is more informal. In addition, the study also shows that subjects are more sensitive to hesitation fillers or filled pauses, including uh, na, e, ne, and seem not to be disturbed by placeholders such as ji ben shang, suo wei de, shi shi shang.口譯品質填補詞遲疑不流暢有聲停頓穩住發言權quality of interpretationfillerhesitationdisfluencyfilled pauseplaceholder填補詞的使用對口譯品質之影響:聽眾觀點Fillers and Quality of Interpretation: Users’ Perspectives