劉曉春謝欣芸2019-08-282011-6-292019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697180207%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86056 本研究是以漢人研究生的身分進入原鄉部落,並探討三種不同族群背景的部落社工為主軸,分別是原住民籍社工員、在地的原住民籍社工員、漢籍社工員,理解不同族群身分的社工員在原鄉部落的工作經驗,因此,透過本研究想要探討以下幾個關於原鄉部落社會工作實踐的現象:不同族群身分社工員的部落社會工作實踐經驗、不同族群身分社工展現的助人關係和社工實務樣貌、族群背景與社工員展現的文化能力樣貌。 在文獻部份,先探討原住民族在日據時代和國民政府時代所遭受的壓迫和剝削,從過去的族群歷史導致原住民族對漢族的不信任,轉移在原住民案主對漢籍社工員的身上,因此漢籍社工員不容易獲得原住民案主的信任,衍生出族群身份配對的觀點,意旨以同種族的社工員服務同種族的案主,認為可減少彼此的語言和文化的隔閡,且人們普遍認知,只要是與案主為同種族的社工員,其文化能力應該比較高,在種種的考量下,族群身份配對的觀點被認為是較好的服務方式配對,但過度強調族群身份配對卻有可能導致原漢二元主義,讓人們掉入族群身份配對的美好想像。 本研究以深度訪談和參與式觀察法進行資料收集,一共訪談了七位原住民籍社會工作者和四位漢籍社會工作者,以現有或曾經擁有原住民部落社會工作實務經驗,並修習過20學分的社工專業知識訓練,或是社會工作相關科系畢業者為主要訪談對象,訪談結果顯示,不同族群身份的部落社工,其文化能力各有不同的表現,且刻意的強調以同族群的社工服務同族群的案主,容易讓社工員產生文化(服務)盲點,此外,在地的原住民籍社工員因為居住於服務的部落裡,令工作時間難以切割、擔心自己的人身安全、原住民案主的過度依賴。最後研究者發現,儘管不同族群背景的部落社工有其優點和缺點,但彼此是相互協助的夥伴關係。The aim of this dissertation is to enter the Aboriginal Tribe as the Han people's graduate student, and inquires into three kinds of different ethnicity background of tribal social work, comprehend their different working experience is the major purpose, they are Aboriginal social workers, Social Workers of Aboriginal Tribe and Han people's social workers. Therefore, by this research, discusses some issues of social work in Aboriginal Tribe: different ethnicity of social workers and their social working experience of tribe in practice, their relationship in helping others and their cultural competence, Ethnic background and social workers to show the faces of cultural competence. Through historical study, first of all, in the era of Japanese occupation and R.O.C government ruling, Aboriginal people were under oppression and suffered by the local regime. That is the reason why the indigenous people mistrust of the Han, and mistrust of the Han social workers, either. Therefore, the Han social workers is not easy to get the client's trust, derived from the views of ethnic identity matching, to service the same race, a social worker's case the same race, that can reduce each other's language and cultural barriers. And people believe, that is ,as long as the client and the social worker with the same race, the cultural competence should be highert. The ethnic identity matching service is considered to be a better way to match. However, too much emphasis on ethnic identity may lead to the original pair of Chinese dualism, so that people fall into the ethnic identity to imagine a better pairing or matching. In this study, depth interviews and participant observation method of data collection, seven interviews with the aboriginal social workers and four interviews with Han social workers totally. The main object of interviewing with social workers, who are: Existing or have had experience in Aboriginal social work practice, and attend more than 20 credits of social work expertise in training, social work or related field. Results show: Social workers of different tribal ethnic identity, cultural competence have different performance and deliberate emphasis on social work services with the same ethnic group of the client, easy to let social workers have blind spots. In addition, Social Workers of Aboriginal Tribe live in the service, so difficult to cut working hours, worry about their personal safety, the client's overreliance on indigenous people. Finally, the researchers found that although the tribes of different ethnic backgrounds, social workers have their advantages and disadvantages, but each is a partnership of mutual assistance.部落社工族群身份配對文化能力tribal social workerethnic identity matchingcultural competence原鄉部落社工專業實踐經驗-以台灣東部Pinaski部落為例