國立臺灣師範大學管理研究所王仕茹劉家銘陳厚銘2016-03-222016-03-222005-04-011816-6601http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77081隨著國內投資環境的惡化以及產業競爭的全球化,台灣廠商紛紛積極進行海外直接投資,且近年來投資地點多半集中於中國大陸。然而,這種現象卻也引發了一些爭議,有些學者認為政府應該壓抑這種現象以避免國內發生產業空洞化,有些學者則認為台灣廠商對中國大陸的海外直接投資將有助於提升競爭力。為了釐清台灣廠商海外直接投資行為是否有助於提升台灣廠商的競爭力,並改善台灣在全球產業網路上的地位,本研究嘗試以海外直接投資理論、產業網路理論與組織學習理論來探討海外直接投資類型對廠商競爭力與網路地位之影響,並以前往中國大陸投資的台灣電子業廠商為研究對象來進行實證分析。研究結果顯示,市場追尋類型與策略資產追尋類型的海外直接投資確實能夠提升台灣電子業廠商的競爭力,並進一步提升其網路地位,而資源追尋類型的海外直接投資並無法發揮相同的成效。此外,組織的學習能力對台灣電子業廠商的經營能力提升並無直接效果。Along with the deterioration in the domestic investment environment and the globalization of competition within industries, Taiwanese firms have aggressively engaged in foreign direct investment (FDI), concentrated mainly in Mainland China in recent years. This phenomenon has provoked some debate. Some argue that the government should hinder these investments to avoid domestic reindustrializing. Others argue that those investments will contribute to Taiwanese firms' competence. To explore the influence of Taiwanese firms' FDI on their competence and network positions, the authors establish a theoretical framework from the perspectives of FDI, organizational learning, and network linkage theories. An empirical study based on a survey of Taiwanese electronics firms is conducted. The findings show that market seeking and strategic asset seekingtypesofFDI indeedenhanceTaiwanese electronic firms' competence and therefore their network positions, while resource seeking type of FDI does not. In additi on, the organizational learning capability has no direct effect on competence enhancement of Taiwanese electronicfirm.海外直接投資競爭力網路地位網路連結Foreign direct investmentCompetenceNetwork positionNetwork linkage海外直接投資類型對廠商競爭力與網路地位之影響:以臺灣電子業廠商赴大陸投資為例The Influence of the Foreign Investment Types on a Firm's Competence and Its Network Position: An Empirical Study on Taiwanese Electronic Firms