蘇淑娟陳郁欣2019-08-292012-7-82019-08-292012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0597231121%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94225早期北勢坑地區深受自然環境因素限制,為沙鹿鎮地區中經濟發展緩慢的邊陲地區。國家力量的進入雖然成為帶動地方發展的推力,但區域特性的形塑並不僅來自國家政策,地方內部複雜多元的力量亦扮演重要的角色,本文採用新區域地理學的觀點,將北勢坑地區視為社會互動的空間媒介,並使用Giddens的結構化歷程觀點,檢視北勢坑地區區域變遷的動態歷程,探討該地區中的能動因素與結構因素之間的互動,進而形塑出今日的區域風貌。 研究結果發現,北勢坑區域變遷的主要關鍵來自於能動權力的轉換,該地區雖然自民國61年起,即實施台中港特定區計畫,該政策成為影響北勢坑地區重要的結構因素,但當時擁有主導權的台灣省政府為主要決策者,以低密度住宅進行規劃,使結構規則成為地方發展的限制。同時,多元的地方力量則透過民國79年沙鹿鎮陳孟森鎮長能動的啟動,不僅成為地方變遷的重要引導力量,進而促使原本的特定區計畫與規則發生改變,政策結構開始轉變。民國88年精省後,透過特定區計畫主導開發權的轉換,地方政府取代台灣省政府成為影響北勢坑地區重要的能動者,在地方政府的能動下,規則轉化為資源,並帶動地方多元力量的持續行動,加速地方興起,北勢坑地區則在鬆動的政策結構與能動者互動過程中,形塑出今日以大學商業聚集與住宅興起的新風貌。In early days, limited by its natural environment, Beishiken area was a marginal outskirt area. The national regional development policy was not particularly beneficial for the local area. The later shaping forces of the area come not only from national policy, but also from the complicated multiple powers in the area. With new regional geography perspectives, this study sees Beishiken area in Shalu Township as media of social interaction. With Giddens’ structuration theory, it explores the interaction between the local dynamic factors and the structural forces by reviewing the area development process of Beishiken. The study shows that, the key point of Beishiken’s development comes from the dynamic interplay of various forces. The Taichung Harbor Special District Plan was implanted in Beishiken Area in 1972. The plan became the most effective structural element. However, the then plan of the Taiwan Provincial Government, under the restriction of the zoning of low density residence, failed to boost the local economic development. Structural rules limited the development of the area. In the meantime, the diversified powers, activated by the then mayor Mr. Chen Meng-shen, became predominant forces in the development of Beishiken Area and pushed the central government to change its original zoning policy. In 1999, after Taiwan Provincial Government authorized Taichung County Government its predominant power, the local government converged with the diversified powers in the area. This boosted the local boom of Beishiken. Beishiken in the interacting process of the loosening structural policy and various agents finally shapes the local pattern of development.新區域地理學結構化歷程區域發展北勢坑地區new regional geographystructuration theoryregional developmentBeishiken area沙鹿鎮北勢坑地區區域變遷的結構化歷程研究The Structuration of Beishiken Regional Change, Shalu, Taichung