張晏蓉Chang, Yen-Jung李欣容LI, Shin-Rung2022-06-082022-01-222022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/193bbebf7876140d76e07ea221d54d08/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117608營養攝取不均、肥胖、含糖飲料攝取過多,為我國學童面臨的重要健康問題。為加強學童健康飲食觀念,本研究為國小中年級學童設計評價營養教育介入,並且評價此介入對於學童健康飲食知識、態度及行為之影響。本研究採準實驗設計,以台北市某國小三年級學生共65人為研究對象,介入組35人,對照組30人。研究期間為2個月共4堂課,介入組在課前播放主題相關影片引起學習動機,再以有獎徵答方式搭配課程簡報。利用廣義估計方程式(Generalized Estimating Equations)分析介入前後測資料。經營養教育課程介入能顯著提升學童“健康選食技巧”及“均衡飲食需求”知識,也提升健康飲食態度,但健康飲食行為則無顯著差異。介入組學童的課程滿意度調查獲得正向評價,學童認為影片最能引起學習興趣。結論:建議未來可持續推廣此一營養教育課程,提升學童健康飲食知識和態度。This study aims to develop a nutrition intervention to promote healthy eating, and to evaluate the intervention effectiveness on knowledge, attitude and behavior about healthy eating among elementary students. This quasi-experimental study recruited 65 participants from an elementary school(35 for the intervention group and 30 for the control group) in Taipei City. During the two-month study period, 4 courses were given to the intervention group. To increase learning motivation, the intervention course design includes video, lecture, and quiz contest. Data collected from the pre- and post-test questionnaires were analyzed using Generalized Estimating Equations. The nutrition intervention showed significant effects on improving children’s knowledge of balanced dietary requirement and healthy food selection skills, and attitude toward healthy eating. There was no significant improvement in healthy eating behavior. Participants in the intervention group reported that they preferred playing a video to increase their learning motivation. This nutrition intervention can be promoted to improve the knowledge and attitude about healthy eating among elementary school children.營養教育健康飲食知識態度行為nutrition interventionhealthy eatingknowledgeattitudebehavior學童營養教育介入對於健康飲食知識、態度、行為的成效研究Effects of a Nutrition Education Intervention on Healthy Dietary knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors among Elementary School Students.學術論文