陳貞夙Chern, Jen-Suh鍾佩芝Chung, Pei-Chih2023-12-082023-08-142023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/aeb4f5e9000de889017677ccef96e35f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119399身心障礙者就業一直是各國所重視的問題,我國亦積極推展各項促進身心障礙就業服務措施,而實際大專身心障礙畢業生對於促進就業相關服務的認知程度與使用經驗及其對就業的初步影響,是本次研究所欲探討的,因社會認知生涯理論強調生涯認知對於職涯發展的重要性,且生涯認知對就業有正向影響,故加入生涯認知變項一同與就業做討論。研究採調查研究法,以領有特教鑑定證明及或身心障礙證明之大專畢業生為對象,使用自編問卷「大專身心障礙畢業生對就業服務認知及使用經驗問卷」及「成人生涯認知量表」,自編問卷建立初步信度與表面效度後,共計發放16 所學校125 份問卷,回收108 份,回收後之信賴水準為90%,誤差範圍6.5%。資料經過編碼與處理後以適當的統計分析,包括次數分配、交叉表、獨立樣本t 檢定、卡方分析、皮爾森績差相關、點二系列相關,以回答研究問題。所有的統計分析以SPSS 23 進行。本研究結果顯示部分大專身心障礙畢業生對於就業服務認知程度偏低,且使用率不高;而服務的認知與服務使用之間呈現低~中度正相關。就業與未就業組在科技輔具、職務調整及工作竟改善的認知程度上有顯著差異(p< .05),但使用比例低可能因研究參與者以心智類為主,相關需求未被障礙者或雇主發現有關。大專身心障礙畢業生對於支持性就業服務仍有需求的存在,並於使用後對其就業有所幫助。參與就業博覽會對於取得職業資訊可能對部分大專畢業生的就業有所助益。生涯認知中自我效能的難度知覺與就業具顯著低相關,其他變項與就業不具顯著相關,可能與本研究之參與者的自我覺察能力、工作表現滿意度有關。 根據本研究之結果建議提升大專身心障礙學生對就業的認知及自我生涯認知程度,以瞭解自身需求,並提升輔導人員對學生就業服務需求之評估能力。積極推廣就業服務與合理調整的概念,加強單位間之緊密連結,以促進大專畢業身心障礙學生的就業轉銜。The employment of people with disabilities has always been an important issue in various countries, and Taiwan is also actively promoting various employment services for them. Since social cognitive career theory emphasizes the importance of career cognition to career development, and career cognition has a positive effect on employment, the career cognition variable was included.The study used a survey method, and the target population was college graduates with special education certification and/or national disabilities certification. Use of self-designed questionnaire"Questionnaire on cognition and use experience of employment services among college graduates with disabilities" and standardised "Adult Career Awareness Scale". A total of 125 questionnaires were distributed to 16 graduates in colledges or university, and 108 questionnaires were returned. The confidence interval was 90%, with a margin of error of 6.5%. Data were coded and processed with appropriate statistical analysis including distribution of counts, cross-tabulation, independent sample t-test, Chi-square analysis, Pearson's correlation, and point-two series correlation to answer the research questions. All statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS 23. The findings of this study suggest that the tertiary graduates with disabilities had low awareness and low utilization of employment services, and there was a low-to-moderate positive correlation between awareness and utilization of services. There were significant differences (p < .05) between the employed and unemployed groups in terms of awareness of assistive technology, job accommodation and job redesign. The low utilization rate might be due to the fact that the participants of the study were mainly mentally disabilities, and the related needs might not been identified by the disabilities or the employers. The need for supported employment services for tertiary students with disabilities still exists and is helpful to their employment when utilized. Participation in job fairs may be beneficial to some college graduates in obtaining career information. The difficulty perception of self-efficacy in career cognition was significantly lower related to employment, while the other variables were not significantly related to employment, which might be related to the participants' self-awareness and job performance satisfaction in this study. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended to enhance the self-career awareness of tertiary students with disabilities in order to understand their own needs, and to improve the ability of counselors to assess the needs for employment services. The concepts of employment services and reasonable accommodation should be promoted to strengthen the close connection between units.身心障礙就業服務就業生涯認知支持性就業DisabilitiesEmployment servicesEmploymentCareer awarenessSupported employment大專身心障礙畢業生就業服務認知、使用經驗及生涯認知之現況Knowledge of Employment Services, Service Use Experiences and Career Cognition for University Graduates with Disabilities.etd