胡益進紀伊盡殷蘊雯洪進嘉花中慧薛雯冰姚克武李明憲2014-10-272014-10-272008-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/278本研究目的在於探討東南籍配偶其社會人口學變項、生育保健態度、行動線索與生育保健行為之關係。採橫斷式調查法,以結構式問卷為工具,由立意取樣方式所得之321位東南亞籍配偶為對象。所得資料進行分析,其結果如下: 1.生育保健態度方面:大都期待生育子女,並重視產後坐月子,有半數研究對象能認同台灣傳統的坐月子習俗,但仍有少部分在認知上仍保留些許家鄉特有的坐月子習俗。 2.生育保健行動線索方面:懷孕期間知識來源以醫院為主,坐月子期間主要知識來源則為家鄉的母親。 3.生育保健行為方面:在台灣坐月子大都會入境隨俗地吃麻油雞或喝生化湯,但部份東南亞配偶籍雖嫁來台灣,但仍會使用家鄉傳統的坐月子習俗。 4.社會人口學變項中,「國籍」會影響研究對象之生育保健態度;「與家人的溝通程度」及「與丈夫的認識方式」對其生育保健行動線索有顯著相關;「國籍」及「丈夫的教育程度」會影響東南亞配偶生育保健行為。 5.生育保健態度、行動線索與其生育保健行為之間呈正相關。The study attempted to investigate the relationships between the sociodemographic characteristics, the attitude of pregnancy healthcare, the cues to action and the behavior of pregnancy healthcare among spouses of Southeast Asia foreign nationality in Taiwan. It was cross-sectional with questionnaires designed by the survey of focus groups interview and references. Purposive sampling design was adopted and the population of the study was the female spouses of Southeast Asia foreign nationality in Taiwan. In all questionnaires received, 321 persons were valid. The major findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1. As for the attitude, most spouses expected giving birth to children, respected doing the month, and could identify with the traditional Taiwanese convention when to be in confinement. But there was still a few spouses retained some hometown characteristics of conventions. 2. As for the pregnancy healthcare cued to action, the knowledge was major from hospitals during pregnancy, and major from hometown mothers when doing the month. 3. As for the pregnancy healthcare behavior, most spouses in Taiwan could identify with the traditional Taiwanese convention of tonic-eating cognition when doing the month; the others might still conform to their hometown conventions. 4. The socio-demographic characteristics, the attitude of pregnancy healthcare were influenced by "nationality"; the pregnancy healthcare cued to action had significant correlation with "the communicate level with family" and "husband's education level"; the pregnancy healthcare behavior was influenced by "nationality" and "husband's education level". 5. The attitude of pregnancy healthcare, the cues to action and the behavior of pregnancy healthcare were positive correlation.東南亞籍配偶生育保健態度生育保健行為生育保健行動線索坐月子行為spouses of Southeast Asia foreign nationalityattitude of pregnancy healthcarepregnancy healthcare behaviorpregnancy healthcare cues to actiondoing the month東南亞籍配偶在台灣生育保健相關行為之研究A Study of Pregnancy Healthcare Behavior of Spouses of Southeast Asia Foreign Nationality in Taiwan