蔡雅薰Tsai, Ya-Hsun楊斯米Yang, Szu-Mi2023-12-082023-02-102023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/125b2c636498b570dfd1a06d905801f1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119018本探究係研究者從2018年七月至2022年,在美國約四年多的華語教學職涯當中,不斷挑戰自我、跨出教學舒適圈,從臺灣到美國、從中學國文教育到小學華語教學,從中文專任課程到中文沉浸式課堂,從臺灣師資培育背景到美國TEACH-NOW Program師資培育進修結業,期間歷經了跨文化生活體驗、跨學齡教學工作、跨知識領域進修等過程,研究者用自我敘說的方式,深刻描述自己對教師身分認同的變化、教學方式和心態的轉換、對專業成長的需求和在美國教育職場上的所見所感。研究者透過自我敘說的方式,以TEACH-NOW Program進修課程為時間軸,提取跟學習主題相關的經驗,將原先零散的記憶片段重組,回溯自己當時的感受。經驗闡述並比較了臺美兩地教育系統、社會文化、學習策略、科技融入教育程度、班級經營、評量方式等的不同,研究者誠實面對過去在美國華語教學工作上,因將過去在臺灣已根深柢固的教師本位教學觀念帶入,而導致面對不同文化背景的教育環境時感到難以調適,同時在自我觀察和反思當中,接受自己在各種表現上的缺漏和不足,並且藉由影音紀錄和多方訪談,進行理性換位思考,拼湊出較為客觀的故事呈現,進而重新規劃適合當前自身狀態的滾動式調整。This research is based on the 4-years of teaching experience of the re-searcher who has taught Mandarin in the United States since July 2018. The researcher has constantly challenged herself and stepped out of her teaching comfort zone. From Taiwan to the United States, from middle school Chinese education to elementary school Mandarin teaching, from Mandarin specials class to Mandarin immersion homeroom, from Taiwanese teacher training background to the completion of American TEACH-NOW Program. In the way of self-narration, the researcher deeply describes the changes in the iden-tity of a teacher, the transformation of teaching methods and mentality, the needs of professional growth, and what she has seen and felt in the American education field.Through self-narration, the researcher took the TEACH-NOW Program as the time axis to extract experiences related to the TEACH-NOW curriculum. The researcher recalls her original scattered memory fragments, and her own feelings at the time. The researcher reflects on some of the difficult realities of teaching Mandarin in the United States, in particular, the challenge of adjust-ing to an educational environment with different cultural backgrounds, and the many differences between the Taiwanese and American teaching styles. During self-observation and reflection, the researcher identifies deficiencies in various skills by revisiting past records such as notes, videos and photos. This process leads to more rational and empathic thought, and also pieces together her experiences more objectively. The researcher then uses what she learned from these reflections to adjust her teaching methods accordingly.華語教學師資培育敘事探究自我敘說教師身分認同Mandarin teachingteacher trainingnarrative inquiryself-narrativeteacher's self-identity從臺灣中學國文教育至美國小學華語教學之TEACH-NOW跨界自我敘說A Self-narration of a Teacher from a Middle School in Taiwan to a Mandarin Immersion Elementary School in the U.S. after TEACH-NOW Programreport_pro