李景美張鳳琴陳琬菁Chen Wan-Ching2019-08-282012-2-82019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0598051101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87808本研究主要目的在調查新竹市某所國民中學學生的吸菸情形、未來吸菸意向、及所知覺家長實施預防吸菸措施情況,進而探討國中學生吸菸行為及意向與知覺家長預防吸菸措施之關係。 研究對象為九十九學年度第二學期就讀於新竹市某國民中學之七、八、九年級全體學生。抽樣方法採隨機分層集束抽樣,總計抽出15班,共發出497份問卷,有效問卷數為482份,有效回收率達98.39%。 研究結果如下: 一、吸菸行為方面,17.2%的受測學生曾經吸菸。吸菸意向方面,隨著未來時點的延長,受測學生吸菸可能性有逐漸增加的趨勢。 二、受測學生知覺家長實施預防吸菸措施的頻率為「有時如此」(總分平均值為3.08分)。以「協助子女發展生活技巧」做得較好,「督導子女行為」方面做得較差。 三、個人背景變項、知覺家長預防吸菸措施皆能顯著預測受測學生的吸菸行為。家長「正向楷模角色」(OR=0.46;95%CI=0.31-0.67)、學生「性別」(OR=3.11;95%CI=1.72-5.62)及「學業成績」(OR=0.26;95%CI=0.11-0.60)能顯著預測學生的吸菸行為。 四、個人背景變項、知覺家長預防吸菸措施能顯著預測受測學生的吸菸意向。對學生未來一週、一個月、半年、一年、高中職階段、18歲以後六個時點吸菸意向的解釋力為16%到18%之間。以學生「性別」最能顯著預測未來不同階段的吸菸意向;家長「良好的親子互動」及「父母婚姻狀況」最能預測未來18歲以後的吸菸意向。 對未來規劃青少年菸害防制教育工作方面,建議擴大菸害防制工作範圍及加強菸害防制親職教育課程內容,賦予家長更多責任。此外,協助家長落實對吸菸行為及意向有預測力之措施,包括:「良好的親子互動」、「正向楷模角色」、「協助發展子女生活技巧」,以預防青少年初嘗吸菸。對未來研究方面,建議擴大區域與研究對象的選取,並增加質性研究以作更廣泛的探討,亦可以縱貫性研究分析青少年吸菸行為及吸菸意向與家長預防子女吸菸措施的長期變化趨勢,作為未來推動青少年菸害防制親職教育之參考。The objectives of this study were to investigate the smoking behavior, smoking intention, and perceived parental preventive strategies among the junior high school students in Hsin-chu City. Also this study explored the relationship between smoking behavior, smoking intention, and perceived parental preventive strategies. Seventh through ninth grade students in the junior high school were recruited in 2011. Stratified cluster random sampling was used to select the student respondents, with 15 classes being sampled. A total of 497 questionnaires were issued and 482 valid questionnaires were collected. The response rate was 98.4%. The main findings of this study were as following: 1.In terms of smoking behavior, 17.2% of students had smoked. The smoking intention increased over time. 2.The students perceived that their parents sometimes implement smoking preventive strategies.(The total score average is 3.08). In addition, the students perceived that their parents were good at helping develop life skills, but not supervising their behavior. 3.Both demographics variables and perceived parental preventive strategies were statistically significant determinants of the smoking behavior among the students. Also, positive parenting role models (OR = 0.46, 95% C I =0.31-0.67), gender (OR = 3.11, 95% CI = 1.72-5.62) and academic performance (OR = 0.26, 95% CI = 0.11-0.60) significantly predicted the smoking behavior among the students. 4.Both demographics variables and perceived parental preventive strategies were statistically significant predictors of smoking intention among the students, with the explained variance being 16% to 18%. Gender was significant predictor of smoking intention at different time periods. Good communication between the students and their parents and parents’ marital status were the significant variables in predictor of smoking intention after 18 years old. In conclusion, it is suggested that the extent of youth tobacco prevention programs need to enhanced and parenting educational programs, such as emphasize the responsibility of parents. In addition, the strategies, including good communication between the students and theirparents, positive parenting role models and helping children develop life skills, can be applied to prevent youth smoking. It is suggested that further studies should increase sample size and conduct qualitative research. The longitudinal study may also be undertaken to explore the impact of parental prevention strategies on the smoking behavior and intention over time among their children to improve parental preventive education.青少年吸菸行為意向家長預防teenagersmokingbehaviorintentionparentsprevention新竹市某國中學生吸菸行為及意向與知覺家長預防吸菸措施之關係研究A Study on the Smoking Behavior, Smoking Intention, and Perceived Parental Preventive Strategies among the Junior High School Students in Hsin-chu City