沈姍姍許殷宏San-San ShenYin-Hung Hsu楊雅妃Ya-Fei Yang2019-08-282012-6-112019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698000313%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90225近十幾年來偏鄉學生的學習處境備受關注,尤其偏鄉學生學習低成就更為教育工作者擔憂,其中教師扮演關鍵的角色。因此本研究欲以偏鄉小學教師文化為核心,了解偏鄉小學教師文化的樣貌以及與偏鄉小學教師文化相關的教育問題及其啟示。 本研究以新北市一所偏鄉小學(化名為山水小學)為研究場域,採質性研究取徑,運用參與觀察、訪談和文件分析等方式,理解山水小學教師文化的樣貌。藉由參與觀察認識山水小學的日常運作、教職員人際關係,以及山水小學面臨的問題;再經由深度訪談的進行和學校內部文件的檢閱,檢證觀察所得並理解山水小學教師的觀點,進而剖析其中蘊含的價值觀與信念。 本研究結果以在地味的人事組成、層疊交錯的人際關係、無遠弗屆的工作疆域和彈性的實踐場域點出本文核心──山水小學教師文化。山水小學相當比例的在地教師是偏鄉小學少有的景象,深刻地影響山水小學的運作;交疊的人際關係與工作內容的正反效益,一直不斷地在形塑山水小學的教師文化;而彈性的實踐場域,讓政策和措施的推行都充滿可能性。其次,再逐層分析偏鄉教師共有的教師文化與全體教師共享的價值,最後反思偏鄉小學潛藏的教育問題,希望能對教育政策制訂者有實質的借鑑意義。The education of rural area schools has been much concerned recently, especially about the low educational achievement of students. However, if the educational achievement level of students was to be raised , the quality and culture of teachers in rural area schools must be considered first. Hence the paper is exploring teachers’ culture and those relevant educational issues in a rural elementary school. In terms of participating observation, interviewing and text-analysis, I collected research material from a ShanShui elementary school (pseudonym) in New Taipei city. The findings are composed of localized faculty, overlapping relationship, boundless works and flexible workplace that has shaped teachers’ culture of ShanShui elementary. Above of them has made the teachers’ culture dynamic, also affecting the operation of ShanShui elementary school. Secondly, I analyze and try to narrate the teachers’ culture of rural schools and teachers’ culture of all teachers in Taiwan. At last, I reflex on the difficulties which are found in the rural schools. The findings will contribute the practical knowledge of the daily life and operation of rural area school, especially those concerned with teachers’ life and belief. That will be helpful to come up with the resolutions of educational problems of rural area schools.偏鄉小學教師文化rural elementary schoolteacher culture偏鄉小學教師文化樣貌之研究─ 新北市一所偏鄉學校個案The teachers’ culture of rural area schools: A case study in New Taipei city