鄭育文陳柏熹宋曜廷陳信豪蕭孟筳Yu-Wen ChengPo-Hsi ChenYao-Ting SungShin-Hau ChenMeng-Ting Hsiao2016-05-042016-05-042014-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78149一個好的職涯測驗可讓學生暸解自身之心理狀態,亦可作為生涯規畫與抉擇的工具,而國內現有之性向測驗大多為紙筆測驗,其題數較多且題目內容與真實職業情境差異較大,使其在施測及應用與解釋時有較大的限制。有鑑於此,本研究整合測驗、心理計量之適性化技術與多媒體技術,開創測驗內容、向度與題型,編制「電腦化適性職涯性向測驗-國中版」(CACAT-J),其包括八個分測驗,分別為語文、數學、空間、邏輯推理、科學推理、觀察、美感和創意。此測驗可同時測量學生多面向之潛能,以作為學生與教師在進行生涯輔導與科系媒合時之有效工具。本研究預試樣本人數為3463人,正式樣本為5820人。在IRT之樣本層次信度介於.69~.81;在效度方面,與國中基本學力測驗之相關係數介於.28~.67。綜合上述,本測驗具有良好之信度及效度。在常規建置方面,因屬電腦化測驗,可定期更新常模資料。透過測驗參照團體定期更新,以確保測驗分數的可比較性。CACAT-J所提供之測驗結果,學生能暸解其自身之優勢能力,將有助於學生探索與掌握自我,進而培養生涯決策與規劃能力。A qualified career test could play an important role in providing information for students' self-understanding and career decision-making. However, there are limitations and problems within the existing career aptitude tests in Taiwan. This study integrates psychological testing, adaptive techniques of psychometrics, and multimedia technology to establish a computerized adaptive career aptitude test (CACAT - J). The CACAT - J consists of brand new subject matters, dimensions and test items. Not only is the test more relevant with increased prediction power, but it also provides beneficial career counseling for students and teachers. The CACAT - J consisted of eight sub-tests: Verbal, Numerical, Spatial, Logical Reasoning, Scientific Reasoning, Observation, Aesthetics, and Creativity. There were 5820 participants in the present study. Reliability for the findings in this study ranged from .69 to .81. In terms of validity, the aptitude test scores were significantly correlated with junior high school students' basic competence tests and ranged from .28 to .67. Through this test, students were able to understand their aptitudes on different skills that would enhance their career exploration and their capacity for effective career decision-making and planning.生涯發展性向測驗適性化測驗職涯測驗adaptive testaptitude testcareer developmentcareer test電腦化適性職涯性向測驗編製研究Construction of the Computerized Adaptive Career Aptitude Test for Junior High School Students