邱瓊慧Chiu, Chiung-Hui陳政煥Chen, Cheng-Huan2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0899080033%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92776多點觸控科技為合作設計式學習帶來新的樣貌與不一樣的互動方式。為支援教室內多點觸控合作設計式學習的合作,本研究先導入促進小學生組內合作的電腦化合作腳本並探討其效果,接著用此腳本結合組間競爭以更好地處理組間關係並評估其效果,再進一步檢驗這些效果對男女生是否有所不同,因為競爭對不同性別可能有不同的影響。本研究包括三個研究設計,設計一在探討合作腳本的效果,以臺北市某國小四個五年級班級共80位學生為對象,檢驗有、無使用腳本對學生參與學習活動的影響,包括小組的合作表現、合作產出,和學生的投入程度、學業成就、問題解決能力;設計二探討合作腳本結合促進班上組間關係的組間競爭之效果,以新北市某國小四個五年級班級共101位五年級學生為對象,檢驗有、無組間競爭對學生參與活動的影響;設計三進一步探討這些對學生的效果是否會因他們的性別而有差異,包括投入程度、學業成就、和問題解決能力。參與活動的學生以三或四人為一組,在一支援合作密鋪設計的多點觸控平台上完成密鋪相關的設計專題。研究發現,有合作腳本的學生其合作表現和投入程度顯著優於無腳本的學生;此外,有組間競爭的學生其合作表現、合作產出、投入程度、和學業成就顯著優於無競爭的學生;而組間競爭對學生投入程度、學業成就、和問題解決能力的影響雖未因性別而異,不過,此組間競爭與男生的投入程度和學業成就有顯著的正向關聯。這些發現為導入電腦化合作腳本結合組間競爭於多點觸控科技教室的設計式學習成效提供實徵證據,以及對這些效果如何依學生性別而異有更清楚的認識。Multi-touch technology provides a new approach and a different way of interaction to collaborative design-based learning. In order to support collaboration in multi-touch enhanced collaborative design-based learning in a classroom, this dissertation study first introduced computerized collaboration scripts fostering elementary students’ within-group collaboration and investigated their effects, then used these along with intergroup competition to better deal with the intergroup relationships and evaluated the effects, and further examined whether these were different for boys and girls, as competition may have different effects on the different genders. This study involved three experimental designs. The first investigated the effects of the collaboration scripts on groups’ teamwork performance, team products, and students’ engagement, academic achievement, problem-solving skills. Eighty fifth-grade students from four intact classes at an elementary school in Taipei, Taiwan, were assigned to the groups with and without the scripts. The students were required to accomplish a tessellation-related design project in groups of three or four on a multi-touch platform supporting collaborative tessellation designs. The second design expanded the first to foster the intergroup relationships for the whole class, evaluating the same effects of the scripts with or without intergroup competition. One hundred one fifth-grade students from four intact classes at another elementary school in New Taipei, Taiwan, were assigned to the groups with and without intergroup competition. The third design further explored whether the effects on the students’ engagement, academic achievement, or problem-solving skills depend on their gender. The results showed that students with the collaboration scripts demonstrated significantly better teamwork performance and engagement than those without the scripts. Moreover, students under the intergroup competition condition had significantly better teamwork performance, team products, student engagement, and academic achievement than those under the no-competition condition. Furthermore, although the effects on students were not dependent upon their gender, the intergroup competition was significantly and positively related to engagement and academic achievement among the boys. These findings provide empirical evidence as to the effectiveness of integrating computerized collaboration scripts with intergroup competition to design-based learning in multi-touch technology enhanced classrooms, and a better understanding of how the effects depend on students’ gender.合作設計式學習多點觸控科技合作腳本組間競爭科技教室collaborative design-based learningmulti-touch technologycollaboration scriptintergroup competitiontechnology-enhanced classroom支援教室內多點觸控合作設計式學習的合作腳本結合組間競爭對小學男女生學習之影響Effects of Multi-touch Collaborative Design-based Learning Supported by Collaboration Scripts with Intergroup Competition among Elementary School Boys and Girls in Classrooms