林舒柔Lin, Shu-Jou黃立榕Huang, Li-Jung2022-06-089999-12-312022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/1d1ec8f3235449387b3e708a781b6d53/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117920半導體代理商隨著產業快速發展,從早期貿易型態的交易模式進而提供更多附加價值的服務。然而,因半導體原廠為追求更高的利潤,許多原廠有意終止與代理商合作轉而做直售來服務終端客戶。本論文想探討的是在這樣的商業模式改變下,代理商應如何因應並思考創造價值及不可取代性。畢竟,代理商所代理之品牌若是越具規模、市佔率大且技術門檻高,是無法突顯代理商本身價值的。本論文建議代理商應關注於重塑並提升企業的價值鏈、深耕特定市場並提供客戶軟硬體的解決方案、強化客戶需求管理之能力並深入了解市場變化,與原廠討論後續業務該如何擴展與管理Following the rapid industrial development, the semiconductor distributors have expanded their business scope from trading in the early stage to more value-added services. However, there’s a trend that the semiconductor manufacturers terminate the cooperation with the distributors and do direct-sell to customers instead in pursuit of higher profits. This study explores the value and irreplaceability the distributors should create in this trend of business model change. It would be difficult for the distributors to show its strength as the distributed brands are with higher market share and higher technical thresholds. This study suggests that distributors consider reframing and upgrading their value chains, further cultivating the niche markets, extending software and hardware solutions to their customers, enhancing the capacity of the management of customers’ requirements, constantly observing the market development, and discussing with the manufacturers on the expansion and management of the subsequent business.半導體市場半導體原廠代理商價值直售Semiconductor MarketSemiconductor ManufacturersValue of the distributorDirect-Sell半導體廠商供應鏈經營模式對代理商之價值探討Exploring the Value of Semiconductor Distributors Under the Supply Chain Management Models of Semiconductor Manufacturers學術論文