林伯修Lin, Po-Hsiu蔡欣芸Tsai, Hsin-Yun2019-09-052011-8-192019-09-052010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698310093%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107813本研究之目的在以 Kelly 之互動理論觀點,探究臺灣女性上班族使用Facebook的休閒意涵。本研究以多重個案方式,對6位年齡24至42歲、喜愛並上下班時都會使用Facebook的女性上班族進行半結構式訪談,並輔以文本分析法蒐集資料。個案的工作性質分別為教職、行政總務、課長、書記、證券業務員。研究結果發現:(1)個案喜愛使用Facebook原因為Facebook的介面將訊息集中於同一頁面,便於迅速瀏覽;並提供即時交流互動平台,能增加與朋友的互動,聯繫朋友感情;(2)個案使用Facebook受限工作關係,上班時只簡單瀏覽頁面與發布與工作相關事情;下班後才花費較長時間操作Facebook;(3)從互動理論觀點證明了上班時使用Facebook具有休閒特性,並發現其休閒阻礙與休閒負面現象;(4)Facebook提供的休閒效益主要為社交效益,其次為心理與放鬆效益。The purpose of this study was to explore the leisure meanings of Taiwan office ladies using Facebook on and off duty time by the perspective of John Kelly’s interaction theory. The study used multiple case study approach, supplemented by text to gather information. Six cases from aged 24 to 42 years old which love to use Facebook on and off duty time were recruited for semi-structured depth interview. They worked as teacher, administrative executive, supervisor, secretary and bank staff. The results indicated that: (1) The cases love to use Facebook because Facebook's interface to focus the message on the same page, for quick browsing; and to provide real-time interaction platform, can increase the interaction with friends.(2) The cases were restrict to use Facebook, simply surfing Facebook and publishing work-related matters on duty time;they spent more time in using Facebook during off work.(3) The study found that leisure meanings existed while cases used Facebook on duty time, at the same time also found constraints and negative phenomenon.(4) Social benefits, psychological benefits and relaxation benefits were the main leisure benefits gained by the cases from using Facebook.Facebook女性上班族互動理論休閒效益休閒意涵Facebookoffice ladiesInteraction Theoryleisure benefitsleisure meanings臺灣女性上班族使用Facebook休閒意涵之研究A Study of Leisure Meanings of Taiwan Office Ladies Using Facebook