宋威德Sung, Wei-De蔡佩妤Tsai, Pei-Yu2019-09-062023-06-202019-09-062019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004903114%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108108在十九世紀多樣化的音樂發展中,音樂特定的感覺、想法、情景都開始展現出來。而同時期,也有些作曲家取用他人的音樂片段作變奏主題素材,雖然保留原主題之結構,但會加入彈性速度及模糊調性之變化手法,以展現創作趣味。 筆者將探討費迪南.大衛《渴望華爾滋之序奏主題與變奏》單簧管作品,並分為四個章節。首先於第一章闡述研究動機與方法。在第二章藉由認識費迪南‧大衛(Ferdinand David﹐1810-1873)來瞭解當時樂曲創作手法與浪漫時期的變奏風格。於第三章分析《渴望華爾滋之序奏主題與變奏》之樂曲分析與詮釋。第四章則闡述結論。 希望藉由以上之研究與分析,深入體會大衛這首作品的演奏風格,並能更加精準的掌握演奏技巧與樂曲本身的豐富性以及藝術價值。Nineteenth century was the time for diversification in music developments, which included the specific emotions of music, thoughts, and scenarios. At the same time, various composers took partial melody from others and used it as the main theme for the variation. Although maintaining its original theme structure, the composers incorporated flexibility in speed and ambiguity in tonality to exhibit creativity. The author will explore Ferdinand David’s clarinet work of "Introduction and Variations on a Theme of Sehnsuchts-Walzer " in three chapters. The first chapter explains about the research motivation and method. In the second chapter, the composition style of that time and the variations of Romanticism period will be understood through the introduction of Ferdinand David (1810-1873). In Chapter Three, "Introduction and Variations on a Theme of Sehnsuchts-Walzer " will be analyzed and interpreted.Conclusions will be drawn in the last chapter. From our research and analysis, we aim to grasp the richness and artistic value of performance skills and music itself more accurately through profound understanding of David’s work and performance style.費迪南.大衛法蘭茲.舒伯特單簧管序奏主題變奏Ferdinand DavidFranz SchubertVariationsClarinet費迪南.大衛《渴望華爾滋之序奏主題與變奏》之樂曲分析與詮釋The Analysis and Interpretation of Introduction, Theme and Variations for Sehnsuchts-Walzer by Ferdinand David’s