譚光鼎楊慈歡Yang, Tzu Huan2019-08-282018-8-82019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699000188%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90247本研究旨在針對國小初任教師之多元文化教學意象進行探究,主要研究目的在於了解初任教師過去的成長及學習經驗如何形塑其多元文化教學意象,進入教學現場後如何將之實踐,其過程又會如何詮釋與轉變。 本研究採用個案研究法,以兩名國小初任教師為研究對象,主要透過訪談與觀察進行資料蒐集,並佐以相關文件及研究者札記進行資料分析,從中探討初任教師對多元文化教育的理解,並進一步瞭解初任教師多元文化教學意象之實踐與轉變。研究發現,國小初任教師過去對族群及性別的概念受大眾媒體及家庭脈絡的影響,其後經過課程的洗禮,亦會產生轉變。多元文化教育在師資培育過程中並非關注的焦點,因此初任教師在意識與實踐中對多元文化及多元文化教育產生誤解。兩位初任教師的多元文化教學意象,發展出不一樣的教學實踐,在實踐的過程中,也使自身的多元文化教學意象產生轉變。初任教師在教學的過程中,能夠覺察教科書及自身所存有的意識型態,想改變但卻仍缺乏實踐的行動力。 根據研究結果歸納出以下結論: 一、 初任教師對不同族群的看法深受大眾媒體及相關書籍的影響。 二、 初任教師性別角色概念形成於家庭與求學經驗之交互影響。 三、 多元文化教育在初任教師的職前教育中並未受到應有的重視。 四、 初任教師之文化經驗影響其多元文化教學意象。 五、 不同多元文化教學意象影響初任教師的教學實踐。 六、 多元文化知識之不足可能誤導初任教師之多元文化教學意象。 七、 在教學現場中,初任教師之多元文化教學意象與教學實踐互為影響。 八、 初任教師在教學實踐中產生多元文化教學意象的覺醒但仍缺乏實踐的行動力。This study aims at exploring elementary school novice teachers’ multicultural teaching images, the main purpose of this study is to understand how the growth and learning experiences shape novice teacher’s multicultural teaching images, and to understand when they enter the teaching field, how to implement ,interpret and transform with multicultural teaching images. This study adopts case study method, collects data in two elementary novice teachers by using interview and observation , and accompanies with relevant documents and researcher’s notes to analyze. Some of the significant findings are as follows: 1. The novice teachers have different opinions on ethnic groups, in which all are deeply affected by mass media and relevant books. 2. The influence of family and learning experiences on the novice teachers’ concepts of gender and ethnic are evident. 3. Multicultural education are not highly emphasized during novice teachers’ pre-service teacher education. 4. The novice teachers’ cultural experience influence their multicultural teaching image. 5. The pedagogical praxis of novice teachers are affected by their multicultural teaching image. 6. The lack of multicultural awareness may mislead novice teachers’ multicultural teaching image. 7. There are two-way interaction between pedagogical praxis and multicultural teaching image of novice teachers. 8. Even novice teachers aware of multicultural teaching image in the process of pedagogical praxis, they still fail to carry it out.國小初任教師多元文化教育教學意象多元文化教學意象elementary school novice teachersmulticultural educationteaching imagemulticultural teaching image國小初任教師多元文化教學意象之探究An Inquiry of Multicultural Teaching Image of Elementary School Novice Teachers