李懿芳Lee, Yi-Fang劉姸妤Liu, Yan-Yu2020-10-192025-08-082020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0007702206%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111005本研究旨在瞭解技術型高中餐旅群教師素養導向教學能力之需求,運用需求評估技術,分析教師對素養導向教學能力之瞭解程度、重要性程度、實際能力具備程度,及重要性與實際能力之的差異。並據此分析需求項目之優先排序關係。本研究以全國技術型高級中等學校餐旅群教師共 290 人為樣本,透過發函紙本問卷,進行技術型高中餐旅群教師素養導向教學能力之需求評估調查,所得資料運用描述性統計、差距分析及質性資料進行統計分析。 主要研究結論包括:一、餐旅群教師對素養導向教學內涵瞭解程度偏高;二、餐旅群教師感知素養導向教學能力的重要程度偏高;三、餐旅群教師知覺自己具備素養導向教學能力的程度偏高;四、餐旅群教師知覺部分素養導向教學能力有增能之需求,根據上述結論,主要建議包括:一、強化餐旅群教師對跨域教學與探究教學的認識;二、持續宣導素養導向教學對餐旅群專業與實習課程的重要性;三、宜透過教師專業社群或研習活動,增加餐旅群教師跨域與探究教學的能力;四、宜參考本研究需求評估結果,規劃餐旅群教師素養導向教學增能之重點。The purpose of this research is to understand the demand of competence-based teaching abilities of hospitality-major vocational high schools teachers by using the needs assessment technology to analyze teachers’ understanding and the degree of importance of these competence-based teaching abilities, the actual capabilities equipped, and the differences of the aforementioned. The study analyzed the priority relationship of demand items. In this study, a sample of 290 hospitality-major vocational high school teachers in Taiwan was collected through distributing questionnaires and conducted the survey of the demand assessment of the competence-based teaching abilities. The data collected were analyzed under descriptive statistics, gaps analysis, both in statistical and qualitative way. The main research conclusions include: 1. These teachers have a high degree of understanding of the content of competence-based teaching. 2. The teachers perceive competence-based teaching abilities important. 3. The teachers regarded their teaching as competence-based and the level of their teaching abilities is relatively high. 4. The teachers believed some competence-based teaching abilities need to be enhanced. Based on the above conclusions, the main suggestions include: 1. Strengthen the hospitality-major teachers’ understandings of cross-domain and inquiry teaching. 2. Continue to promote the importance of competence-based teaching for both professional and internship courses in the hospitality group. 3. It is advisable to enhance the teaching abilities in cross-domain and inquiry teaching through participating research activities or professional community of teachers. 4. It is suggested to refer to the needs assessment results of this research and focus on the competence-based teaching enhancement of the hospitality-major teachers.技術型高中餐旅群教師核心素養餐旅群教師素養導向教學能 力需求評估Hospitality Cluster Teachers in Vocational High SchoolsCore CompetenceHospitality Cluster Teachers Competence-Based Teaching AbilityNeeds Assessment技術型高中餐旅群教師素養導向教學能力之需求評估A Needs Assessment Study on the Competence-Based Teaching Ability of the Hospitality Cluster Teachers in Vocational High Schools