蔡居澤Tsai, Ju-Tse陳威文Chen, Wei-Wen2019-08-282019-02-132019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0005073201%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88088本研究是探討童軍團成員從事老人服務活動的參與動機、持續涉入與影響三者之間的相互關係。新北市政府於2013年推動新北市高齡照顧存本專案,為了因應此政策,童軍團開始推動老人服務活動。本研究的研究對象是新北市某國中四位從事三年以上且目前仍在進行老人服務活動的童軍。本研究方法是採用以Kolb(1984)提出的經驗學習理論以及Ajzen(1985)計畫行為理論為理論基礎,並且搭配質性研究法中的深度訪談法進行,試圖了解童軍願意從事持續老人服務的動機、持續涉入原因與產生的影響。 研究發現以下三點: 1.童軍團員會主動參與老人服務的動機之原因,從起點行為而言是對於童軍活動的認同,同儕力量是給予參與老人服務的契機,自我成長乃是參與老人服務的支持原因。 2.願意持續涉入的原因,就個人原因而言是正向經驗與立即回饋,就環境原因而言是友善的心靈撫慰與環境,就心路歷程而言,是由關愛其他老人並推及家人。 3.服務後產生的影響,在自身影響是觀念的改變,在挫折影響是以同理心轉化挫折成下次服務的經驗,在成就影響是立即回饋與推及家人。 在經由深度訪談研究之後,發現參與老人服務是相當有意義的,並且獲得的東西遠比其他服務活動來的更有意義,因此此一信念便是支持童軍團員願意參與老人服務的原因,同時亦可拉進家庭成員間距離,使家庭互動更加頻繁。也因如此童軍團員才會願意繼續涉入老人服務活動,並且願意鼓勵周遭朋友參與老人服務活動。This paper studied the interrelation of the Motivation, Continuous Involvement and Effect of Scout Group volunteers involve in Elderly Person Serving Activity. New Taipei city government promoted volunteers earn credits by caring for seniors in 2013. In order to carry out this policy, Scout Group start to promote Elderly Person Serving Activity. The participants in this study were four Scouts who have involve in Elderly Person Serving Activity for more than three years. In order to understand the Motivation, Continuous Involvement and Effects of Scout Group volunteers. The method to carry out this study is used Kolb’s(1984) experiential learning theory and Ajzen’s (1985) Theory of Planned Behavior as a funder mental theory, and collocate Qualitative Research Method which was used in-depth interviews. Findings of Research were as follows: 1.The reason of the motivation that Scout Group volunteers participate automatically, they recognize the activity of the Scout Group from a starting point of behaviors. The associates’ strength provide them with the opportunity of joining the Elderly Person Serving Activity. The self-growth is also the reason for joining the Elderly Person Serving Activity. 2.The reasons of their continuous involvements, their personal reasons are positive experiences and immediate feedbacks. As the reason of environment are friendly mental comforts and environments. As the process of mental reactions are caring for other elderlies and spreading to family members. 3.The effects of the services are the change of their concepts, under the impacts of setback, which makes the empathy transform frustrations into next services experience. The impacts of achievements are Immediate feedbacks and spread to family members. After in-depth interviewing, the finding of joining the Elderly Person Serving Activity is very meaningful. The concept, which supports they keep doing the Elderly Person Serving Activity, that also can bring family members closer and make their family members interact more frequently. That is why they continue involving and encouraging their friends to join the Elderly Person Service Learning Activity.童軍老人服務活動持續涉入參與動機經驗學習圈計畫行為理論Elderly Person Service Learning ActivityContinuous InvolvementMotivationExperiential Learning CycleTheory of Planned Behavior童軍團員從事老人服務活動動機、持續涉入與影響之研究-以新北市某童軍團志工為例The Study of Motivation, Continuous Involvement And Effect for Elderly Person Serving Activity-An example of New Taipei City Scout Group volunteers