黃光雄Kuang-Hsian Huang顧曉雲Hsiao-Yuh Ku2019-08-282005-3-12019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069100036%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89453十七世紀的捷克教育家--康門紐斯(John Amos Comenius,1592-1670)乃是實物教學的代表人物,其《世界圖解》更是西洋教育史上第一本附有圖畫的教科書。然而,泛智乃是其教育思想中的重要概念,過去卻少有教育史家探究。因此,本研究旨在探討康門紐斯的泛智概念以及以此概念為核心而形成的泛智教育思想。 本研究首先探討泛智教育思想形成的時代背景及思想淵源,以掌握泛智教育思想的要義;其次探討泛智概念,以及泛智教育的內涵,掌握泛智教育思想的理論層面;然後再以泛智教育思想的理論層面為基礎,理解泛智教育的實際層面,包括學校制度、課程理念及教科書規劃三大部分,並檢視康門紐斯實踐自己理論的程度;最後,探討泛智教育思想對於後世教育的影響及其在今日教育上的蘊義。 本研究之主要研究結果為:泛智乃是一個包含了人生必需之一切事物(即自然、人、上帝三大方面)的有機知識體系,而泛智教育則是將此泛智知識徹底地教給所有的人。另外,康門紐斯所規劃的課程則是一個包含了泛智知識的同心圓課程,其《世界圖解》及《語言入門》兩本泛智教科書的內容也包含了泛智知識,並且符合「一般先於細節」、「掌握事物的基本原則」、「透過感官來教學」等泛智教育的教學原則。John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), the Czech educationalist in the 17th century, contended that the visible things are necessary for instruction. His work, Orbis Pictus, is the first textbook in which includes pictures in the western educational history. The pansophy (universal wisdom) is a very important concept in Comenius’s educational thoughts; however, few educational historians explore it till now. Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to explore Comenius’s concept of the pansophy and the thoughts of the pampaedia (universal education). This thesis includes four parts. The first is to explore the historical background and the roots of the thoughts of the pampaedia. The second is to analyze the concept of the pansophy and the content of the pampaedia. The third is to illustrate how he carried out his ideas, including the institutions of schools, curriculum and textbooks, and to examine if his practice conformed to his ideas. The part is to explore the influences of the thoughts of the pampaedia on the education in the western educational history and the implications of the thoughts of the pampaedia for the education in Taiwan. There are five main conclusions as follows: 1. Pansophy is an organic system of knowledge, which includes all necessary things in everyone’s life, namely the things about nature, man, and God. 2. Pampaedia is to teach the pansophy to all men thoroughly. 3. In order to put the pampaedia into practice, Comenius drew up the College of Light and seven kinds of pansophic schools. Furthermore, based on the principle of order, he designed the institutions of public schools. 4. the curriculum of the pampaedia is like a series of concentric circles and embraces the pansophy. 5. The pansophic textbooks, Orbis Pictus and Janua Linguarum Reserata, also embrace the pansophy and conform to the teaching principles of the pampaedia.康門紐斯泛智泛智教育Comeniuspansophy(universal wisdom)pampaedia(universal education)康門紐斯泛智教育思想之研究A Study on Comenius’s Thoughts of the Pampaedia