曾金金Tseng, Chin-Chin楊景珊Yang, Ching-Shan2024-12-172024-08-072024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/074d99cffb5a7177b840d8c5abca34f6/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122246漢語「了」對於外國學習者來說ㄧ直是個難題,偏誤也非常多。這些偏誤有一些共同特徵,但學習者的母語不同,思考邏輯不同,形成偏誤的原因也不會一樣。在新生入學座談會上,我們最常聽見俄國學生說錯的病句就是:「大家好! *我從俄羅斯來了!」這句話的俄語必須使用完成體過去時,顯然學生是將漢語的「動詞+了」,與他們母語中的完成體過去時畫上了等號。同樣稱為「完成」體或貌,兩種語言之間一定有某種程度的相似之處。針對俄羅斯華語學習者對於完成貌標記「了」的偏誤,本研究利用語料庫為素材,先進行偏誤分析,再藉助前人對漢俄語法對比的研究,從兩種語言各自的語法規律中,找出他們的相異之處在「了」偏誤發生的過程中,可能扮演的角色。最後,參考專家說法及現有的俄語版華語教材,再加上前面分析討論所得的一些想法,我們為在台灣學習華語的俄國學生,擬出一套適合他們的教學策略,並在「結構由簡入難」、「使用頻率由高至低」,以及「母語中有相對應者先教」等三個原則下,提出針對俄語母語者的「了」基礎與進階級句型教學排序建議。The Chinese word ‘le' has always been difficult for foreign learners, and they often make a lot of errors. Though these errors share some common features, the reasons for them are not the same due to learners' different mother tongue and way of thinking. At orientation, the most common error we hear from Russian students is: “Hello, everyone! *I came from Russia ‘le' !”. In Russian this sentence requires a past perfective form, and obviously Russian students equate the form with the Chinese “Verb+le”. Both called “perfective” aspect, there must be a certain degree of similarity between the two languages. In order to deal with the errors in learning ‘le’ for Russian learners of Chinese, the present study used a corpus as a source material and conducts an error analysis first. Then, with the help of previous studies on Chinese-Russian grammar comparison, we found out how their grammatical differences may have played a role in the occurrence of the errors. Finally, according to experts' comments and the existing Chinese textbooks of Russian version, as well as some ideas derived from our previous analysis and discussion, we developed a set of teaching strategies for Russian students learning Chinese in Taiwan and proposed a sequence of teaching for Russian native speakers under the three principles: simple-to-difficult structure, high-to-low frequency of use, and teach first when there is a corresponding feature in learner's native language.語料庫俄羅斯籍華語學習者完成貌標記[了]偏誤分析教學應用CorpusRussian learners of ChinesePerfective aspect marker'le'Error analysisTeaching application基於語料庫中俄羅斯籍華語學習者[了]的偏誤分析與教學應用A corpus-based Error Analysis and Teaching Application of'Le' for Russian Learners of Chinese學術論文