余鑑于俊傑楊苡禾Yang, Yi-Ho2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0002712107%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96259派遣勞工保護法近年來都是備受關注的議題,此法案一旦通過將直接影響現有61 萬 2 千名從事臨時性或人力派遣工作者,約占整體就業人口比率達5.47%,對於整體就業市場之人力結構調整影響甚鉅。派遣人力使用上限不得超過僱用員工總人數的3%之限制,勢必造成組織重大變革,企業如何以人力資源發展的角度在面對法令規範的衝擊下做出適當的調整,將是影響組織經營成敗的重要課題。本研究透過探討A財團法人派遣人員之主動性人格特質、組織認同與工作投入之影響,藉以做為日後派遣人員轉正專案規畫前之參考,並確保維持人力長期穩定供給。本研究以A財團法人之派遣人員進行問卷調查,共發放323份問卷,回收取得有效問卷258份,有效回收率為80%。研究結果顯示(1)主動性人格特質對組織認同有正向影響;(2)主動性人格特質對工作投入有正向影響;(3)組織認同對工作投入有正向影響;(4)組織認同對主動性人格特質與工作投入具部分中介效果。期許本研究之結果能提供組織管理者在派遣人員管理及未來發展,甚至是轉正制度的規劃上提出建議,最後提出對後續研究與管理實務之建議,以供學術界與產業界之參考。The law on dispatched employment, which might revised by legislators in near future, will affect around 610 thousands workers who is temporary or dispatched. The total number of dispatched worker will not be over 3% of whole staff in a company or organization. It could be a big issue for companies or organizations, which be over used dispatched employment in response to temporary or seasonal needs of work force, espcially for the human outsourcing companies. How to apply the impact in human resource development without rising budget on employer costs is an important topic in operation. We try to provide a role model that could refer to dispatched worker might change employment status from dispatched to regular, and make sure we could have well and long-term work force. This study focus on the relationship among proactive personality, organizational identification and job involovement on dispatched worker to build a role model. We collected effective data from 258 people through sending questionare to 323 dispatched workers who work at A organization. Our main finding are: (1) proactive personality have positive effectnesson organizational identification. (2) proactive personality have positive effectness on job involvement. (3) organizational identification have positive effectness on job involvement. (4) organization identification have partial mediating effect between proactive personality and job involvement.派遣人員主動性人格特質組織認同工作投入dispatched workerdispatched employmentproactive personalityorganizational identificationjob involvement派遣人員主動性人格特質對工作投入之研究 -以組織認同為中介變項The Influence of dispatched workers' proactive personality on job involvement: The mediating effect of Organizational Identification